Yes, and Dancin’ Causes Pneumonia
Oh sweet Texas, I love yew.
We have a guy here named David Barton who you are fixin’ to get to know pretty well. He’s threatening to be the Tea Party candidate against Texas Senator John Cornyn because the only thing worse than a black man in the White House is a moderate RINO.
Barton has found the cause of global warming.
You think I’m jacking with you, right? You think it’s something from The Onion, right?
Oh no, I am not jacking with you.
Once “you open the door to killing,” Barton added, “it’s got a lot of different manifestations” because the nation immediately falls under the judgment of God as He removes his protection and “whap, here comes storms like we’ve never seen before and here comes floods and here comes climate stuff that we can’t explain; all of the hot times and all the cold times and not enough rain and too much rain and we’re flooding over here and we’ve got droughts over here … And today we’re saying ‘oh no, it’s global warming.” No, we opened a door that lost God’s protection over our environment and that’s our choice.”
And this man wants to tech this crap in Texas public schools.
Now why abortion picked that particular door and not the one that brings locusts, I dunno. I suspect David doesn’t either.
Thanks to Brian C for the heads up.