
May 29, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

In response to her racist tweets, ABC has announced that they canceled Roseanne Barr’s teevee show.

I will defend freedom of speech to the day I die, but with rights comes powerful and awesome responsibility.

Roseanne is free to say whatever she wants as long as she understands there are consequences to what you say.

And notice that her apology only came after Wanda Sykes withdrew as writer/producer and sponsors started dropping out.

Quit giving voice to racism.  Quit making it okay.

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0 Comments to “Yes.”

  1. Woohoo! That is good news.

  2. Zyxomma says:

    Way to go.

  3. Susan on the Left Coast says:

    “One Million Moms” will be SO pissed! ABC made America a little Greater Again today. Barr doubled down her obnoxious attacks about Chelsea Clinton and Geo. Soros after Chelsea responded to Barr’s tweet….that was an ugly thing to behold.

  4. For me, The first time around Roseanne was not entertaining. And Roseanne herownself is/was a hot mess. There was absolutely no reason for the show to be renewed for a second year or even a second episode. The resurrection of the rotten corpse does not endear me to ABC Disney or any of their conglomerate’s other goods or services.

  5. publius bolonius says:

    Don’t care. Must be a rule of some kind. Get rich – be asshole. Not an isolated incident.

  6. As I recall, the original Rosanne show carried over her own crassness into the script. Yes, my family (blue collar working class) knew a few people like Roseanne but very few. I do remember that they drank a lot and had no use for anyone who didn’t which meant we were the lucky ones. Seriously, the cancellation of her show is now a blow to the security of the free world. I know she is going to howl about this but hey, she’s her own worst enemy. My response: get over yourself! Now just watch her No. 1 Fan in the WH barge in on this! Same advice for him!

  7. Jane & PKM says:

    Totally lack the imagination necessary to imagine what a battle of wits between Wanda Sykes and an unarmed Rosanne would be. Maybe Rosie will indulge us with a twitter war between she and Michelle Wolf. That could be entertaining, albeit once again one sided.

  8. Bernard Terway says:

    But she apologized! She apologized! Since when do you have to apologize for a joke? If it were a joke, then stand by it and say it was a joke. Don’t apologize. Of course I don’t care about her, never watched a show of hers, just read about her racist rants and love of the Cheetopig. Sad for the rest of the cast though.

  9. i’m sorry that whatever’s wrong with RB is putting good actors out of work. Iisaw a nice suggestion that they just replace RB with Wanda Sykes. She’s actually funny, too.

  10. I hope Fox News picks up the second season of Roseanne.
    Think of the guest stars! Think of the cameo call ins on the Conner family’s rotary phone!

    “Hello, hello? Roseanne, this is the President speaking to you. From Washington D.C. In the White House.

  11. Lunargent says:

    I never watched Roseanne’s show in either incarnation.

    But from the bits that I glimpsed, it seemed to be mostly a waste of John Goodman and Laurie Metcalf.

  12. Sometimes the first “Roseanne” was funny, but I didn’t like the mother character’s/Roseanne’s meanness. I did appreciate that it showed the cost of parental emotional abuse from Roseanne’s mother on Roseanne and Jackie. I wish they would have been clearer about the value of getting help for it, but they blew a prime opportunity.

    We did get to know the talent of Laurie Metcalf, John Goodman, and Sarah Gilbert. I never watched the second iteration of the show.

  13. maryelle says:

    Roseanne was the weak spot on that show. Why not kill her off on the show and continue with the stellar cast which carried the show anyway. I loved Dan, Jackie, Darlene, D.J., Becky and the other professionals on the show. That cast could make “The Conners” great again.

  14. I watched and enjoyed the first “Roseanne” show back in the day. This time around, I actually was pleasantly surprised with most of her show. In a recent episode she stood up to a snarky supermarket clerk who asked Roseanne’s new Muslim neighbor if she needed help taking her groceries “out to her camel.” That same neighbor had allowed Roseanne’s granddaughter to use her own WiFi password at two in the morning so she could Skype with her mother who was deployed in Afghanistan. At first, Roseanne had been paranoid about the new neighbors, but after interacting with them, she found out they were just like everyone else.

    It’s obvious that the writing staff, which up until today included Wanda Sykes, wasn’t going to spout the conspiracy theory crap that Roseanne believes. In several cases they even made fun of it. And it was fun to see all of the old cast back again–a little worse for the wear and tear of the years, but who isn’t? It’s a shame Roseanne couldn’t keep her mouth shut, if only for the sake of her cast members who now are out of a job.

  15. Pollytiques says:

    I was very busy today and when i sat down to eat and rest I had a very pleasant surprise. I can’t even imagine watching Roseanne. I was working night shifts the first time it was on but saw the odd one once in awhile to understand no way in the world would I willingly watch that her..the others OK maybe but I more or less avoid far as I concerned it’s just Fox with a different spelling. Actually all the MSM is enablers of trump before and since.

  16. Buttermilk Sky says:

    She said something even more disgusting about Susan Rice five years ago and never apologized. Why was Wanda Sykes working for her in the first place?

  17. twocrows says:

    Lots of folks on the talking heads shows are giving kudos to ABC for dropping her show immediately.
    I’m not so sure. DID they act against their own fiscal interest? Really?

    Or did they do a swift calculation? Trump was elected by a minority and a lot of them probably did not have racist bigotry in common with him. They voted for him for numerous reasons: economic, feeling forgotten, and others I’m sure I don’t comprehend.

    So which boycott was ABC more afraid of? One from the people who supported what she said or one from the people who were disgusted? How many Alex Joneses are there in this country? I’m guessing the number of people who will stand behind her statement and switch off ABC are a tiny fraction of the country and the ABC execs know it.

    After all, Roseanne had a reputation long before the reprise of her program. What did ABC THINK they were getting? She never has been one to hold her tongue and ABC had to know what her views were long ago. Something along this line was inevitable — how long did they think it would be before she spouted out her bile?
    And now they will accept their bows. Do they deserve them?

    I may be wrong. I hope I am. But my cynicism is running rampant right now.

  18. AlanInAustin ... says:

    Just as with the NFL players, you can exercise your voice but be prepared for the consequences.

  19. Snowflakes…

    I am a big fan of both series. They spoke truth.

    Roseanne Barr may be getting senile, but have you seen a Wanda Sykes show?

    I also greatly enjoy Bill Maher and Stephen Colbert. They’re both harsh as can be. Who’s censoring them?

    We’re living in a censorious virtue-signaling nightmare. Try some Jordan Peterson as an antidote.

  20. Linda Phipps says:

    I join the others here in sympathy for Goodman, Metcalf, Gilbert and everyone else involved with the production of that show. I do think that Barr did not deserve to be burdened with the description as an actor: she was portraying herself.

  21. “Try some Jordan Peterson as an antidote.”
    No, thanks. There are enough toxic white men already littering the landscape.

  22. @msb: Typical knee-jerk response by someone reading the clickbait MSM articles. Bet you haven’t read or listened to him. I understand. We NEED the mass media to filter for us.
