Yep, Her Posterior is Bigger Than Your Brain

December 21, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Republican Congressvarmint Jim Sensenbrenner is not fond of First Lady Michelle Obama’s eating initiative. But mostly he’s not fond of her rump.

He told the woman that Michelle should practice what she preaches — “she lectures us on eating right while she has a large posterior herself.”

Okay, so what’s he doing looking at her behind? I mean, that just ain’t proper.


Now I know Michelle is going home tonight and crying her eyes out that Sensebrenner and Rush Limbaugh do not think she’s physically attractive. I mean, I’m pretty sure she wakes up every morning hoping that hot guys like Rush and Jim think she’s a nice looking woman. I’m pretty sure that’s her whole goal in life.

And you wonder why there’s gridlock in Washington? It’s not about ideas to make America great. It’s about kneecapping Barack Obama. And even attacking his wife will do.

So, I suggest Sensebrenner apologize before we get a bunch of women spend a week pointing and his butt and giggling.

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