Yellow is the New White

February 21, 2024 By: Fenway Fran Category: Uncategorized

There is no lack of subject material for posts these days. If anything, there is TMI. But today this one almost caused coffee spew, as I was perusing my morning inbox. Now, I am no expert in cocaine lines, but I watch a lot of TV so I know what they look like. We all know Hunter Biden knows what they look like. Obviously, Special Counsel David Weiss and staff do not. They came across this photo while combing through the infamous laptop, probably after clutching their pearls over the dick picks. Look! Evidence! Cocaine!!! You be the judge.

Turns out, it was a photo taken by a recovering addict who is a carpenter by trade. He sent it to his psychiatrist, who had told him he’d have to choose between his art and the drug, with the words Made My Choice. The psychiatrist, who was also treating Biden, passed it on as inspiration. Add this to the Smirnov debacle, and you have plenty of embarrassment to go around Magaland. Not that anything can embarrass these people.

0 Comments to “Yellow is the New White”

  1. The Surly Professor says:

    … and it’s a big clue that the lines are laid out on a table saw. Plus, if your cocaine is that tan-brown color, you need to get a better dealer. Or stop confusing black-tar heroin with cocaine. [Yes, I grew up in a neighborhood where the informal pharmaceutical industry thrived.]

  2. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Being a trumpf appointed prosecutor, he could not just point out the most important witness for the gop house of vengeance against Joe Biden was a big fat liar (and in cahoots with russia), he had to editorialize about Hunter. Same went for the other trumpf appointed special prosecutor investigating Biden for his documents “scandal”.
    I won’t use the language Jeff Tiedrich used in his piece this morning- you’ll have to look it up yourself. It’s a good read, too.

  3. I’ve worked with table saws. You never put your head on a table saw. But I don’t know, perhaps Hannity would.

  4. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Rick- or for sure tucker carlson

  5. Yes Steve from Beaverton, that’s where I first saw this, and used his link to source. I am one of those women who say the F word too much so I love his posts. But we have to think of Momma, watching from the next world, so I translated.

  6. The GOPpers have got nuttin and they refused to admit it. Their “savior” has insisted that Biden is corrupt–and who knows more about corruption?–and so they will also insist that he is, despite a complete lack of evidence.

  7. Opinionated Hussy says:

    Just tells you these yahoos have never been around sawdust. I’m with Surly on this one.

  8. Steve from Beaverton says:

    If repugnanticans are serious about stopping the waste of taxpayer money, I suggest they quit paying the two stooges, the Jimmies as Jeff Tiedrich calls them. Gym Jordan and James Comer are not only a waste of good oxygen but basically scamming taxpayers out of lots of money. What exactly is their job?

  9. Steve, IMHO they’ve accepted the job of facilitator to fascism in their blind loyalty to trump.
    No come to think of it, they’re past the point of needing trump.
    So short answer, just facilitators.

  10. I really miss my Friday toons fix. Poor baby me.

  11. Here’s a recent banned Doonesbury, posted on TwitterX so may need to click the first panel to read all six:

  12. Wow. Ask and thou shall receive. Thank you.

  13. You’re welcome Jace!
    Here’s another:

  14. Steve from Beaverton says:

    If you need something to read on this Friday, find Jeff Tiedrich’s piece from this morning. It’s a clear picture of the types of things a next Trumpf presidency could force upon us. Hint, a lot of crazy religious stuff like speaker of the house Mike Johnson spews. Sorry, it’s no joke or cartoon. It’s scary.

  15. slipstream says:

    Try this link for the Doonesbury:

  16. To add to other sources for Doonesbury, Washington Post comics. Free.
