Yeah, Yeah, “Even If He Is The First Black President.”

September 16, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Tom Tancredo may not be in congress now, but he’s still taking an opportunity to be a fool.

tancredoFormer Colorado Congressman Tom Tancredo appeared on American Family Association’s ‘Today’s Issues’ with Tim Wildmon to warn that if we don’t impeach President Obama the right will start an “armed rebellion.”

And Tom has found a way around all those thoughts of racism being behind the Hate Obama Brigade.

Get a load of this crapola —

“We are being asked to look away and pretend the Constitution is now being shredded… We must make the case for impeachment to demonstrate that no man is above the law, not even the first black president,” Tancredo wrote.

Yeah, because God forbid anyone would want to impeach the black man.  Nice cover, Tom.

Thanks to Irene for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Yeah, Yeah, “Even If He Is The First Black President.””

  1. Fred Farklestone says:

    Tancredo called out as a depressed Chicken-hawk!

  2. The only 2 persons who should be Impeached should be baby bush and cheney. I heard from a newsman that doing that would save us the money that those 2 are receiving every years from us for pensions and agents protecting these 2 criminals.

  3. Actually the article says “we are being asked to look away and pretend the Constitution is NOW being shredded” (capitalization for emphasis). I think that might be an accurate statement of the demands of his audience.

  4. I’m amused with this phrasing: “We are being asked to look away and pretend the Constitution is now being shredded.” No…you RWNJ are the only ones asking yourselves to PRETEND the Constitution is now being shredded. If you would stop pretending with your rhetoric that something exists that does not, then many of the rest of us would sleep much better at night!

    I’ve yet to hear a single valid reason for impeachment, just a lot of shouting about how it is warranted, but not why it is warranted.

    Hmm, antacid and brain bleach please…

  5. But, haven’t we been told that it’s dems who are pushing for this president to be impeached?

    Strange claim, because I thought Tancredo has always identified himself as a republican!

  6. So where was Tancredo during most of the Bush-Cheyney administration? All that unnecessary war and torture and spying on Americans was just tickety-boo with him, was it? Not to mention the gerrymandering and election-stealing still going on.

  7. This is what would happen if an orangutan could be taught to speak. Having no frontal lobes it would simply parrot what ever it heard around him. No critical thinking, there.

    What you are hearing now out of Tancredo is the battle hymn of the totally washed up has been.

  8. He had previously written an article calling for armed rebellion if President Obama isn’t impeached. Isn’t that sedition or insurrection? People like this should be charged and forced to prove their politicrap in court.

  9. Marcia in CO says:

    @Maggie: “This is what would happen if an orangutan could be taught to speak. Having no frontal lobes it would simply parrot what ever it heard around him. No critical thinking, there.” A perfect description of Dubya!!

    It’s these folks in CO that make me sorry I ever decided to move here … I just vote BLUE with every election and pray for the best outcome!!

  10. Y’all are being nasty about orangutans. They’re quite clever. If an orang sees a tool that a workman has dropped in its cage, it will grab it and hand it over only for a really good piece of food, or it will hide it under later and dismantle the cage. I don’t think Tancredo or Dubya are that bright.

    Also orangs are a lot closer to extinction than dumb-ass Republicans are, which is sad on both sides.

  11. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Tancredo No Credibility is now worried about the precious document that he obviously never read? Where were his concerns when Dubya and Cheney lied us into two unnecessary wars, while shredding the US Constitution and burying the Bill of Rights. The same two wars that launched jihadists into ISIL from all over the globe. Killed millions, including Americans, while costing us $trillions. And, if Congress gets up off it’s lazy, could conceivably cost another #trillion, if we are to do right by our veterans.

    Until Tanker-Cretin-Corrupt understands 9/11, the Saudi involvement and the Bush2 coverup, he needs to shut up.

    The st00pid beating the war drums, while criticizing their Commander-in-Chief, should be charged under existing laws for sedition and treason. Really. Let’s introduce them to the US Constitution.

  12. Tom Tancredo…because every state has he right to their own Gohmert.

  13. So “not even the first black president” should be immune from impeachment?

    I thought that was their grounds for impeachment.

  14. “Dear Tom Tancredo. If you and your buddies start an armed rebellion, this old Marine will make it her business to bring it home to you. You need to put on your walkin’ shoes and walk right out of this country and stay out.”
