Yeah, What Texas Needs Is a Damn Army
I think Rick Perry is preparing for Armageddon because he’s assembling his army. News from the Texas Rio Grande Valley.
Texas Gov. Rick Perry plans to announce he will activate the Texas National Guard at a news conference Monday in Austin, said state Sen. Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa, D-McAllen.
Hinojosa did not have details of the effort, but an internal memo from another state official’s office said the governor planned to call about 1,000 Texas National Guard troops to the Rio Grande Valley — at a cost of about $12 million per month.
Yeah, he’s storming the beaches of the Rio Grande River with a military force he commands. Since he’s using bullets against unarmed children, I suspect he’ll borrow Bush’s “Mission Accomplished” sign right before the Ohio primary.
There has already been a special surge of Department of Public Safety guards on the border, costing Texans $1.3 million per week.
And where is all the money coming from? Rick has that all figured out. Here ya go with a screen shot from my iPad last night.
Yeah, we don’t need no damn health care in Texas. Roads? Bridges? Screw that. Only wimps need roads and bridges.
I honestly fear for my Hispanic friends in the Valley, many of them with families who have been in Texas far longer than Rick Perry’s.
My conspiratorial friends think Rick is building an army for secession. I don’t think so. I think he just needs an excuse to ride boats up and down the river looking like George Patton or some damn thing.
Please give us Texas back. I really, really don’t like being Ukraine.