Yeah, Well, Those Orange Cones By Construction Work Are Also Obscene and What Are We Going To Do About Telephone Poles?

August 27, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Northeast of Houston is the entrance to East Texas, called Montgomery County.

The people there don’t have much to do.  And this is obvious because ….



The statue: Michelangelo’s David

The Resident:  Dianna Whitt, who also calls herself “a concerned citizen.”

The accusations came from area residents who say the artwork is pornographic and exploitive to women, children and animals. The same residents also happen to be associated with a group currently attempting to ban two books from libraries in Montgomery County. Likewise, the residents are calling for more art to be removed from the restaurant, as well as the shopping center.

The group is affiliated with the Republican Leadership Council and finding things you shouldn’t look at appears to be their mission.

They also want the Italian restaurant to take down two pictures – one in the men’s restroom of a little boy peeing on a wall and another of some famous Italian woman painted by some important Italian guy and she has her ta-tas showing.

Good Lord people, they are just winkies and ta-tas.  Everybody’s got one or the other, you know, except for y’all.  Winkies or tatas won’t breathe on you and give you a deadly virus nor will they lock little children in cages or give tax cuts to billionaires.

David.  Seriously. You’re gonna get mad because Davis left his pants at home? You know who he killed? Goliath, that’s who.  If you don’t have to wear a mask, David does not have to wear pants.  That’s what I’m saying and don’t try to stop me.

Thanks to Kary for the heads up.


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0 Comments to “Yeah, Well, Those Orange Cones By Construction Work Are Also Obscene and What Are We Going To Do About Telephone Poles?”

  1. Huh.
    I’ve got a meme. It’s a pic of Maggie Smith all gussied up as Granny in Downton Abbey.
    And here’s the caption:
    “My dear, religion is like a penis. It’s a perfectly fine thing for one to have and take pride in but when you take it out and start waving it in my face, we have a problem.”

    No one is waving David’s or that little boy’s winkie in anyone’s face but these guys are certainly waving their religion in everyone else’s.

    Still, you know who I feel the sorriest for? Their son — who they’re trying to “protect” from the fact that human beings have bodies.

  2. They do know how babies are made, don’t they? Or maybe that is the problem.

  3. Wheenver something like this happens it is usually because the “proteststers” have nothing else to do such as a 9 to 5 job or some such thing. Of course, they wouldn’t give up eating Italian food would they? Oh, hell no! And no one s sticking a gun intheir ear and forcing them to eat at a place they find unsettling, right? Dim and dainty, Honestly!!!

  4. “… pornographic and exploitive to women, children and animals.”

    Dianna Whitt does have a point, but isn’t she barking up the wrong tree?

    Why just this week I read a headline:
    Judge orders Trump to reimburse Stormy Daniels for legal fees (prostitution)

    He also stated in the past on national TV he’d like to “date” his underage daughter. (pedophilia)

    One of his many wives returned home to find her dog Chappie with a broken leg, and only Donald was home with the dog at the time. (animal cruelty)

    So if Dianna Whitt is concerned with the exploitation of women, children, and animals, as well as children being exposed day after day to this kind of behavior in public settings, I think I know how she can properly address her concern and get rid of the problem:

    VOTE Biden-Harris 2020

  5. I was rather shocked to find a “Montgomery County” in East Texas. DC is bordered on one side by Montgomery County, Maryland and it is one of the wealthiest, most highly educated counties in the nation. One of it’s Congress critters is Jaime Raskin. No, there won’t be trade for Loonie Louie.

  6. Time for them to get a new fountain. The original is only 400 years old, and Belgian. Manneken Pis×785.jpg

  7. I remember when the good citizens of Montgomery County got into a snit over the language in a play put on by a local community theater. The play? “The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas.” And, yes, it had a few f-bombs in it. Nevertheless, they managed to get the thespians to remove the offensive words. As far as I know, they didn’t get them to change the plot, though.

  8. I remember one time back in the 70’s when a group I was with had a retreat at some camp on Lake Travis. Evidently the neighbors of the camp had a cow about the naked hippies. We saw those people watching us from about a 1/4 mile away. They were using binoculars. Of you need binoculars to see something that offends you, you’re going out of your way to be offended.

  9. Grandma Ada says:

    Wanna bet those folks have a premium subscription to Porn Hub?

  10. Buttermilk Sky says:

    About time! All those statues of Confederate generals on horseback are clearly exploitative of animals. Get ’em down!

    As for the museums, better just close them all.

  11. john in denver says:

    Something … something … oh yeah, I think those may be the same people complaining about “cancel culture.”
