Yeah, Well, See, There’s This Problem With Freedom

December 12, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Ted Cruz is such a patriot that he wrapped himself so tightly in the flag that it cut off circulation to brain.

Screen Shot 2015-12-12 at 11.55.32 AMIn his very best robot voice, he called for FREEDOM!  Religious Freedom!

He even prayed for it.

And hired some people to pray with him, and called Hollywood to make a little halo thingy hang over his head.  And there fairy dust on his shoulders, no wait, that’s dandruff.

And he gave a speech.

“If I’m elected president,” Cruz shouted, “I will instruct the Department of Justice and the IRS and every other federal agency that the persecution of religious liberty ends today!”

Or maybe next week.

Two days later, this happened.

In a rebuke of Donald Trump’s plan to ban Muslims from entering the U.S., the Senate Judiciary Committee voted 16-4 Thursday on an amendment that confirms that the U.S. should not block people from the country because of their religion.

The four “no” votes were Sens. Jeff Sessions, R-Alabama, Thom Tillis, R-North Carolina, David Vitter, R-Louisiana and GOP presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas.

See, I told you he ain’t getting enough blood to his brain.

In Ted’s mind, freedom of religion means you’re free to be a Baptist, a Methodist, a Church of Christ, an Evangelical Lutheran, or a Presbyterian.  He’s a little leery of Catholics because … well, they’re not Baptists.

Thanks to Bryan and Larry for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Yeah, Well, See, There’s This Problem With Freedom”

  1. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    “persecution of religious liberty” that’s Crude speak for thou shalt not prosecute Taliban Christo-Fascists for killing anyone who is not their replica.

    “U.S. should not block people from the country because of their religion” but Muslims don’t count because they aren’t Ted’s replica.

    Consistency for the Cruzite means all rights apply to me; you not so much.

  2. JAKvirginia says:

    This from Ted Do-As-I-Say-Not-As-I-Do Cruz.

    But you see JJ, this is why people like you are so important to this country. Ted KNOWS his speech-like words will get coverage on the internet but his vote? He knows that will be buried someplace in the newspaper. Evil this man is. Stupid he is not. You got to watch him all the time. And I don’t envy you for doing it. You should get hazard pay, y’know?

  3. Cruz shouted “the persecution of religious liberty ends today!”

    So… he will end persecution for denominations who only think they’re being persecuted, but will join in persecuting the religions who are kicked off planes, have places of worship vandalized or worse, and are told to KEEP OUT.

    Sounds like he’s offered to do no work at all.

  4. Even David Brooks–a conservative blogger for the New York Times, considers him Machiavellian. Nearly dropped my teeth:

  5. JAKvirginia says:

    djw: The link made me laugh. “Kind” Machiavellian? Has Mr. Brooks even read “The Prince”? Can’t wait for his next opinion on “evil” versus “kind” rapists. That should be treat.

  6. Cruz is a wannabe Nehemiah Scudder.

  7. Under Ted’s definition, Islam isn’t a religion. Only beliefs exactly like his are a religion. And Jesus said Christians would be persecuted, so some of them are determined that they’re being persecuted no matter what. Even the preachers flying around in their private jets probably think they’re “persecuted”. That and “religion” are among the many words Kristians have trouble with.

    “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.” — Inigo Montoya

  8. Raphael is anything but Machiavellian. You are neither cunning nor duplicitous if you always get caught. Kinda like the “car thief” who has served time three different times for car theft. He aspires but he’s not successful

  9. So when will the media start digging into the Seven Mountains crap that Teddy has been fed since birth, and believes with his whole being? He intends to turn the USA in his own private theocracy, and yes, it includes disposing of anyone who refuses to convert.

  10. Ah, but the long-suffering tea party base has been convinced that they are being persecuted, and non-critical thinkers that they are, have become convinced of it.
    Cruzifictioners have never really understood what freedom of, and from, religion means. Everyone must believe in their selective form of KKKristianity or else. Cruz and other Repugs have created an issue where none exists and the “low-information” base roars in approval.

  11. To WingNuts “freedom of religion” means their freedom to shove their religious beliefs down everybody’s throats.

  12. Bingo you nailed it! Republican Freedom is the freedom to CHOOSE who gets what, kind and if any freedom.
    Kinda like that old outdated saying of early last century, ‘Might makes Right’.

  13. Probably doesn’t like
    Unitarian Universalists either

    Much less Humanists.

  14. Just got this from a friend:

    “Muslims don’t recognize Jews as God’s chosen people.
    Jews don’t recognize Jesus as the Messiah.
    Protestants don’t recognize the Pope as leader of all Christians.
    Baptists don’t recognize each other at Hooters.”

  15. Opinionated Hussy says:

    TTPT…damn near ruined by monitor spitting my drink all over it….such posts REALLY ought to carry a warning!

    And Jan: I believe Episcopalians would be on the list, too, because we’re too much like Catholics and we hung out with the Jewish kids in school (we were both outnumbered by the Baptists).

  16. “But it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods, or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.” Thomas Jefferson

    That comes from Wapo, right here:

    The article is about the founders purposely including Muslims in their religious liberty planning. Oh the righties will lose their minds! Bwahahahaha!

  17. Linda Lester says:

    When is the corporate media going to start putting it out there about this guy? When are they going to remind people of his extremist views? Here are some quotes made in the past months, to name a few:
    “OBAMACARE IS A TRAINWRECK” Really, he had no problem with making sure he and his family are covered by Obamacare.
    “We need 100 more like Jesse Helms in the US Senate”–Anyone worried about this role model for Cruz–known bigot and racist from NC
    “There is liberal fascism against Christians within the Democratic Party”
    “The Second Amendment is your constitutional right to serve as the ultimate check against Government Tyranny”–anyone remember Clyde Bundy incident with that self proclaimed milita pointing their weapons at Government Officials?
    The list goes on–Green Eggs and Ham speech in the Senate–making a sham of his position, shutting down the federal government to make a point, proposing that only Christians be allowed in from Syria as refugees (religious freedom, right?)–Photo op with Kim Davis, the self righteous homophobic Public Servant refusing to follow federal law to name a few more.
    This is the same man who was born in Canada of a Cuban born father (fanatical evangelical) who fought for Castro who wants to shut the doors to anyone else wanting to enter this country. I still wonder why no one is using the birther argument with him–and why no one has demanded to see his papers–when can we see the official document revoking his Canadian citizenship? This man is leading the polls? What? Why? How?
    Please people, just say no and vote responsibly!!

  18. I despise Ted Cruz.
    I fear he will be the Republican nominee.

  19. Fidel’s anchor baby surges in the polls, proving fanatics are way more paranoid than anyone thought. stalin was a comparative lightweight. just waiting on the trump show. at least joe mccarthy wasn’t that bright.

  20. I am not a fan of Cruz either, however Stalin a lightweight? He killed millions of HIS OWN people. My family came from his magic kingdom. We all need to be clear-eyed about the actual threat, and not do what the R’s do and make stuff up.

  21. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Who will the SnacilbupeR Party send home this week with visions of sugar plums dancing in their head? The “plum” being the VP slot. After spending $50 million and gaining no traction, expect Jeb? to be sent home with one sock and a lump of coal. The Outlaw Jersey Whale, Governor Cartman, may refuse to leave NH and go home where a Merry Christmas indictment awaits him. The Cubano kids, Cruz and Rubio can trade tearful family experiences, but offend so many Hispanic voters as to be toxic. Failurina is a nuclear waste dump of lies such that a blind person couldn’t fail to see the trajectory of ads melting her VP ambitions.

    That leaves Kasich. Good luck to Reince washing the Lehman Brothers’ stench off that one.

    But not to worry, Reince. Das Donald has sufficient ego to run as his own VP.

  22. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Mary Beth, Stalin and Hitler killed millions of their own people; Saddam Hussein and Bashar al-Assad killed hundreds of thousands of their people. The Bush/Cheney terrorist numbers have yet to be honestly tabulated.

    Calling Stalin a “lightweight” is way beyond a bad choice of words. But absent the horrific hyperbole, whoever wrote that has a point. A very scary point. A Dominionist like Ted Cruz in charge of the world’s largest military and arsenal of nuclear weapons, while he and his cult dream for the “end times” could be the disaster that is never written because of their ultimate carnage, the destruction of Earth.

    The American public is too often trained to sound bytes. But perhaps a better byte would be: Ted Cruz crazier than Goldwater and more dangerous to freedom than Joe McCarthy.

  23. mary beth i did not intend to make light of the suffering stalin created. to me cruz is equally scary and scarily similar. carpet bombing the middle east is mass slaughter. which he recently proposed with real enthusiasm. mr. marx pointed out, much more effectively, as president he could turn the planet into a death shroud of nuclear winter to prove a point. he’s surely the most dangerous politician on the american national stage i’ve ever seen.

  24. “In his very best robot voice, he called for FREEDOM! Religious Freedom! He even prayed for it.”

    Well, then we’re toast, comrades. He prayed for it and The Jebus™ ALWAYS answers the prayers of the faithful in HIS name.

    First Jade Helm and now this. Damn. Sucks to be us.

  25. Ted believes in religious freedom!
    Right here in Texas, you’re free to be any kind of Baptist you want!
