Yeah, Well, I Heard That Rand Paul is a Robot So That Makes Us Even

May 20, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Rand Paul, a man so crazy that he could only have been sired in Texas, went on the Sunday morning teevee shows and said that the IRS had a “written policy” that said agency officials were “targeting people who were opposed to the president.”

Oh really?

When CNN anchor Candy Crowley pressed Paul for details, the junior Kentucky senator revealed that he had only heard about the memo.

Rand kept insisting that the memo exists because he heard about it and – to add credibility to the existence of such a memo – he stated that it has “bullet points.”

Rand Paul

Oh dear God.  Bullet points.  We are so screwed.  You cannot make up bullet points.  Or worse yet, what if it’s a PowerPoint?  You can’t lie about imaginary PowerPoints.  Something bad will happen if you do.  Like maybe your hair will fall out and you have to train a squirrel to be still on your head.

Then he says —

“I haven’t seen a policy statement, but I think we need to see that.”

Okay, I am not suggesting that you haven’t seen it because it doesn’t exist.  I would never say that and ruin your chance at winning a Pulitzer Prize for fiction.  That would just be mean of me.

Next Up:  There was a written memo and the Democrats destroyed it.  Coming next week to a Sunday morning talk show near you.

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0 Comments to “Yeah, Well, I Heard That Rand Paul is a Robot So That Makes Us Even”

  1. Bo Leeyeau says:

    That guy hasn’t shut up in months.

  2. Who needs facts when innuendo will get you headlines?

  3. Of course there was a memo. Probably dated from 2003, and has whatever passed for Dubya’s scribbling on it.

  4. maryelle says:

    Why can’t you name your sources, Rand? Let me guess, it was Muddleheaded Michelle, no, well maybe Lyin’ Louie, or Two-step Ted?
    Rupert Murdoch? Sheldon Ayles? The Kochs? Gosh, you can’t get less honest than those paragons of truth.

  5. I heard rand paul was an idiot, so I know it to be true.
    Democrats are fools for letting republicans get away with these lies.

    Put up, prove it or shut up.

    I think there are higher standards to work at DQ then to be a member of Congress.

  6. It’s to bad he couldn’t get a copy of that written policy to wave around in the air while he was being interviewed. He probably thought about it, but figured Candy Crowley would make a grab for it, and then he’s have to explain how he had a copy, but in the rush over to the studio…

  7. I suspect it has been hidden away in the same place as Michelle Obama’s “whitey tapes.”

    That place is dark, moist and smelly and is where Rand Paul finds most of his ideas.

  8. Just like Saddam’s WMDs in Iraq Syria, just because we haven’t found them means it doesn’t exist!!! Q.E.D.

    Everyone assumes Rand Paul has a brain but it’s never been seen, does that mean it isn’t there?

    Ha ha!

  9. Umptydump says:

    Star, innuendo is the Italian word for suppository, and Rand Paul sure needs one. He’s got a lot of stuff packed in up there.

  10. I have figured out over the last few months that being an absolute idiot, is pretty much a requirement for holding political office in Texas….. but I didn’t know that it was a hereditary thing, and extended all the way east to Kentucky, or Tennessee or where ever this idiot holds office.

  11. Miss Prissybritches..... says:

    Umptydump… you made my day.

  12. If there is any sort of memo you can depend the Repukes changed it like they did to the ones on Benghazi.

  13. Ralph Wiggam says:

    Rand Paul has a policy on which farm animals to target when he starts feeling frisky.

    “I haven’t seen a policy statement, but I think we need to see that.”

  14. Hippie in the Hollar says:

    It’s Kentucky, along with Mitch McConnell. Pray for us.

    Heck, I’d dance around and sacrifice a chicken*if I thought that would work.

    Hippie in the Hollar

  15. Rand certainly didn’t fall far from the tree. Its a wonder though with his brainpower that he even figured out how to climb it!

  16. Corinne Sabo says:

    I heard Rand Paul is an idiot and he proves it every day.

  17. Far be it for me to criticize my brothers and sisters still trapped behind the Cotton Curtain, but gosh I’m thankful you Tennessee folk have this Paul. Would you like another?

  18. I heard Rand Paul was a pervert, and it must be true because he hasn’t denied it.

  19. RepubAnon says:

    Aren’t bullet points protected by the Second Amendment?

    To quote a Bert & I routine:

    Q: “Would you say that man’s an honest man, or a liar?

    A: “Well, I wouldn’t want to call him a liar – but I’ve heard tell, from them who knows, that when he wants to call his cows in for milking, he’s got to get somebody else to do it…”

  20. There is a strong sense of delusion amongst Republican officeholders at the state and national levels. That sense of delusion is fed and nurtured by the belief that if you are opposed to President Obama whatever is said is true, and if it is called out to be a lie then it is justified as being in opposition to Obama. End of story.

  21. Can we locate someone to do a pic of him with donkey ears??? pleeeeeze?

  22. Hold ON, Juanita Jean you gotta Slow Down!
    I’m Still stuck back at “If Darryl Issa had knowledge of the IRS’ High Crimes and MALFEASANCE for a year- (In an Election Year,) Why did he wait until recently to start screeching like a stuck pig?”
    Can Someone Please Help?
