Yeah! More Jokers To The Right! UPDATED
Don Trump and his hair have entered the Presidential race “to make America great again.” Yeah, like when women couldn’t vote.
UPDATE: I will admit that this is real Inside Politics and not of interest to normal people. But sometimes keeping tabs on what goes on in the smoke filled backrooms can explain what happens later in public view.
Back in March Rick Perry announced that former FEC Chairman Don McGahn will be counsel to his presidential campaign.
Former Texas governor Rick Perry is set to announce that Margaret Lauderback will serve as his national finance director and that Don McGahn will serve as his campaign counsel.
That was kinda a big deal until last night. Last night in the Washington Post —
Trump’s longtime financial advisers and Donald F. McGahn, a partner at Jones Day, have finalized the report about his finances in recent weeks as Trump has moved closer to jumping into the 2016 contest. Three people briefed on those discussions Monday requested anonymity in order to talk about the process.
Whoa, even Rick Perry’s financial advisor is two-timing him.
Then, to add some intrigue, the Washington Post dropped McGahn’s name from subsequent stories.
Trump’s longtime financial advisers have finalized the report about his assets in recent weeks as Trump has moved closer to entering the 2016 contest. Three people briefed on those discussions Monday spoke on the condition of anonymity to talk about the process.
So it pretty much looks like McGahn was one of the three anonymous sources. Oops.
Honey, when your big name campaign advisors become sources working for another candidate, you just might be a joke.
Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.