Yeah, Louie, And They’re Coming For Your Tonsils!

November 12, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh Dear Lord Louie Gohmert (that’s his full name) has decided that President Obama is establishing a “security force” under the Affordable Healthcare Act and God only knows what they’re going to do but it couldn’t be good because, you know, there’s a black man involved.

Representative Louie Gohmert (R-TX) questions U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder in WashingtonThe congressman, for his part, wondered about “the provisions in [Obamacare] for the President’s own Commissioned and non-Commissioned Officer Corps,” speculating that these officers could be deployed in non-health related emergencies. “Are they using weapons to train or are they being taught to use syringes and health care items?” he asked.

But once Oh Dear Lord Louie Gohmert gets on a roll, you have no idea where he’s gonna end up in his pinball machine of a mind.

Gohmert said that he would investigate the “secret security force” in Minnesota and Wisconsin, adding the caveat that he wouldn’t mind it if it was “something that’s going to protect the borders.”

Minnesota and Wisconsin?  Damn Canadians.  Or maybe it’s Iowa he’s scared of.  You never know.

Thanks to Kyle for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Yeah, Louie, And They’re Coming For Your Tonsils!”

  1. Marcia in CO says:

    That graphic is priceless and hilarious! I always share anything Gohmert with a friend on Facebook … sometimes she just needs a good laugh at the expene of the Gohmert!

  2. “Are they using weapons to train or are they being taught to use syringes and health care items?” he asked.

    Oh, Lord. They are going to attack us with bedpans. Then they are going to hold Louie down and give him an enema.

  3. Wisconsin has a border with Canada?

  4. Marge Wood says:


  5. Marge Wood says:

    If nobody knows about this secret security force, how did Gohmert find out about it? Hmmm…..

  6. My theory? Obama has shredded his secret Kenyan birth certificate, given one piece to each Commissioned, and Non-Commissioned member of the Top Secret Officer Corps, sent them out across the wilds of northern Wisconsin and Minnesota to bury those shreds in multiple undisclosed locations. Saddle up Louie, and get Trump & Sherriff Arpaio on the horn to ready yourselves for a Great Lakes / Land of 10,000 Lakes rendezvous. Don’t forget the Fox News cameraman!

  7. daChipster says:

    Says Cheryl: “…hold Louie down and give him an enema.”

    “In his earhole!” says I.

  8. Mike in MO says:

    Cheryl, that might improve Louie’s thinking.

  9. He’s the male version sarah palin.

  10. I have a fear of Canadians these days too…well, one anyway. I don’t understand why they don’t want him back. He could take Louie with him.

  11. Louie’s afeared they’re coming for his genitals.
    Democratic women are seeking payback for the Repug War on Women. He should be afraid, very afraid.

  12. Lunatics only sound sane to other lunatics.

  13. Marge Wood says:

    Rick, you could make a Keystone Kops video with your idea.

  14. Cheryl, what you said — in neon lights!

  15. I am still hoping that Glenn Beck will convince Louie to run against Cornyn for US Senate.

  16. Marge Wood says:

    Yeah, but what if Louie WON? Aaaargh. We have any good Dems running against Cornyn?

  17. Ain’t Cruz Canadian? Does he speak Canadian??? How does Louie Lou-eye even understand Cruz? Does Louie speak Canadian too?

    Enquiring minds want to know.

  18. @Cheryl: If they give Louie an enema, there won’t be anything left of him.

  19. If they give Louie an enema, maybe they’ll find his head. Could be a hard fight, though– it’s up there so far that he’s looking out his mouth.

  20. Tell Louie the Security Force will be making bolos out of tampons. Republican are terrified of female sanitary products.

    I think there must be someone in the White House who is in charge of keeping Democrats amused by leaking improbable “policies” to Louie. Heaven knows he will bite on any bait that is thrown.

  21. When “…even Breitbart won’t publish it…” you know you’re in another dimension.

  22. Good grief, everyone knows we don’t need no trained first responders for disasters in the country as they might help some poor or non-white people!
