Yeah, It’s A Little Thin, But…

May 01, 2024 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

Like TFG’s many trials, the hits keep on coming for Texas Senator Ted Cruz. But unlike the former guy, Ted’s problems are not entirely of his own doing.

Two days ago, Cruz’s campaign treasurer received a thick envelope with a 20-page long memorandum from the Federal Election Commission (4 pages of text and a 16-page attachment) asking him to present information to explain why 37 of his campaign contributors, either by oversight or otherwise, exceeded the legal monetary limits imposed on all contributors in order to achieve fairness and equity in our electoral process.

One contributor’s name stands out. Found on page 11 of the attachment is one Andy Puzder. Puzder wins a place of dishonor on Cruz’s wall of shame for his callous disregard for contribution limits. On May 25th of last year, Puzder ponied up 3,300 in American money to Cruz’s primary campaign – the legal limit – but then dropped an additional ten bucks in Cruz’s inbox this past February 23rd. Now, since Texas’ primary election was March 5th (Super Tuesday), the ten-spot was an illegal campaign contribution.

Oh, the humanity.

Andy Puzder, you probably don’t remember, was a failed cabinet nominee of TFG. Puzder is a fast food executive (Carl’s Jr., Hardee’s), that Former Guy nominated to be his Secretary of Labor. That’s rich, huh? What better way to thumb your nose at minimum wage workers than to nominate a fast food CEO to oversee labor relations?

And, not to imply his intent…OK, implying his intent, what better way to emphasize your fealty to the senator than to put a toe over the foul line for him? His name gets a flag on the FEC memo, and Cruz, who is not in any way, shape, or form on the short list for TFG’s Veep, takes notice.

That is not to say that others didn’t try, through cuteness of their own, to show their extreme loyalties, but you have to admit, Puzder’s efficiency is notably exceptional.

The Cruz campaign must respond to the FEC on this matter by June 3, 2024. Now, the question is, will that be before or after TFG announces his running mate?

0 Comments to “Yeah, It’s A Little Thin, But…”

  1. The Surly Professor says:

    And in other Rafael news:

    I’m beginning to get the feeling that the National Enquirer is not a rock solid news source. And with the Weekly World News defunct, where will we get the real scoop on politics?

    Slightly more serious, Rafael is opposed to airlines having to promptly refund money to passengers for cancelled flights:

    Wanna bet that there will be a carve-out for flights to Cancun? (Sorry for being slightly off-topic, Half Empty. It’s just that Senator Cruz is like an awful car wreck, where everyone wants to see how so much destruction was done.)

  2. BarbinDC says:

    As a self-exiled Texan, the only news I wanna hear about Cruz is just how badly he loses his bid for reelection.

  3. Harry Eagar says:

    What sort of tycoon males $10 contributions?

  4. daChipster says:

    Ted Crooze
    Greg AbButt
    Scam Patrick and
    Ken Felon

    Have the septic tank cleaners stopped coming to Texas?

  5. rastybob says:

    Maybe Texas should look in to post natal abortion.[For politicians]
    Just a thought.
