Yeah, I’d Say He Trying To Appeal To His Base

June 05, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Thanks to Rick, who forwarded me this.  Click here to see the big one.



Well, think about it.  Now that it’s common knowledge that some of Trump’s massive security don’t have any identifying markings or names on their uniforms, can just anybody in riot gear start being a Trump’s Troop?  Isn’t this kind of an invitation?

Well, have a nice weekend, y’all, and don’t fret about a thing.


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0 Comments to “Yeah, I’d Say He Trying To Appeal To His Base”

  1. Grandma Ada says:

    For some reason when I read this I got the visual of camo wearing gun nuts going after the Marching Owl Band! For those outside Houston, the Rice University band , also known as the MOB.

    BTW has anyone checked to see if the hats were made in China?

  2. NOW he wants an army. 50+ years ago he didn’t want to be in one.

  3. Damned scary, and who among us didn’t see this coming?

  4. Really???? Exclusive??? Yeah, just like Hell is exclusive.

  5. JDS2017 says:

    Wasn’t it Putin who sent his troops into Ukraine with all identifying insignia stripped off? Is that where Dump learned this? I was inspired to see Steve Schmidt on Rachel last night just tearing into how we are not supposed to have secret police in our country. That appears to be the playbook the Dumpsters are following.

    And off topic, I know, but wouldn’t it just KILL Dump if former President Obama turned up at one of these protests? At least he’s not afraid of his fellow Americans.

  6. Trumpies could wear the camo hats along with their Hawaiian-style style shirts and be spotted everywhere.

  7. So how do I tell if someone dressed like a cop is a real cop?

  8. So the red hats weren’t identifiable enough?

  9. Joe Hill says:

    This looks like the mailing I got from Ovaltine when I was ten and sent in three box tops and became one of Captain Midnight’s secret rangers. It was accompanied by my decoder ring.

    Seriously, this is what it’s come to? Trump’s supporters playing little kid games like this>

  10. BillR @9

    The red hats are not exclusive enough now. For new donations they need to create a new “need” for prestige .

  11. Gosh, I won’t share any of this with any of his other sad fans—– who would give him money to look even dumber than they do with the red hats.

  12. panthercityhorn says:

    @Grandma Ada, well said. My BIL was a proud member of the MOB the day they were held captive by the ATM Gestapo under the stadium, just as we Americans are all being held captive by the Rethuglican Gestapo today. You know, this idea is as old as the religious snake oil salesmen (Ernest Angely, Jim Baaker, Kenneth Copeland, Pat Roberson, Robert Tilton) who have been fleecing their flocks for decades with healing oils, pieces of the cross, original manuscripts from the Holy lands, etc.

  13. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Good point, Grandma Ada. I’m sure they were made in China. The question is, how long ago were they ordered to be here in time to Militarize And Gestapo America?

  14. Sorry I’m sure I’m not alone in being mystified about this MOB thing. Any link to a story on this? We don’t all live in Texas.

  15. treehugger says:

    Joe Hill: MOB is Rice University’s Marching Owl Band aka the band that never marches. See link here:

  16. Ranger Jay says:

    They’re no match for the Kiss Army.
