Yeah, Hank, And The Last Time You Had a Hit Was 1989
I would like to offer you living proof that alcohol destroys far, far more brain cells than marijuana does.
Bless Hank Williams, Jr’s tiny little alcohol addled heart, he’s trying to revive his career by getting himself some attention. At a concert Friday night, he offered himself up as alcohol and gun poster child.
Following the song “We Don’t Apologize For America” a chant of “USA, USA” broke out amongst the crowd. Williams smiled, telling the crowd that he was their mouth piece and adding:
“We’ve got a Muslim president who hates farming, hates the military, hates the US and we hate him!”
An interesting aside: Mr. Williams has never attended church, had a farm, served in the military or liked much of anything, including his own mother. That is what alcohol does to you.
On the other hand —
Yes, indeed, love is real.