Yeah, Get the Hell Over It.
Houston Mayor Annise Parker is one of my favorite people and a friend. She is as sweet as a grandmother’s kiss, but also tough as a three dollar steak. She has been great for my hometown, the city of Houston. She first served as a city council member at large in 1998, then was elected comptroller in 2004, and finally as mayor in 2010.
She just won re-election against 8 opponents with 58% of the vote. What I’m telling trying to tell you is that she’s wildly popular. If we had a vote about whether to put a statue of her next to Sam Houston, she’d win that, too.
And all that time, she has been openly gay. She and Kathy Hubbard have lived together for 23 years and Kathy is often introduced as Houston’s First Lady. They are raising two adopted daughters and a foster child.
A couple of weeks ago, they went to California and got married. Mostly, everybody was happy for them. True love that lasts a lifetime is hard to come by and when two people find it, that’s generally cause for celebration.
Holy moly, not so much in Republican circles where both true and love are both in short supply.
Those creeps went caterwaul crazy. They got started and even a few weeks later, they just can’t shuddup. They got little spittle things running out the sides of their mouth and their hair appears to be on fire, or at least smoldering.
Dan Patrick, a guy who wants to Lt. Governor, screeched ….
“I am not shocked that Mayor Parker decided to elope to California for a marriage that is unconstitutional in Texas. This is obviously part of a larger strategy of hers to turn Texas into California.”
It’s a well known fact that the only gays in America all live in California and they have an agenda. It’s probably unconstitutional.
Mayor Parker, after noting that Patrick is running for office and needs a whipping boy, added, “He doesn’t know what he’s talking about. And I don’t think that’s unusual.”
Oh Lord, I love this woman.
Next came GOP Party Chairman Jared Woodfill: “she’s trying to bring California values to Texas.”
“Mr. Woodfill is a little like a windup doll,” Parker said. “I say something and he goes on TV and says this is something I planned. It’s part of my grand agenda to promote gay rights.”
Guys, you need to get over this. She’s whipped you. She’s smarter, prettier, more popular and tougher than you are. And, everybody knows, my friends, that loves trumps hate any day of the week.
Meanwhile, y’all better remember that making you both unemployed is probably on her agenda. And that’s not unconstitutional.