Yeah, But What We Lack In Money We Make Up For in Crime Rate

July 23, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Canada, home of socialized medicine and gun control is doing okay.

On July 1, Canada Day, Canadians awoke to a startling, if pleasant, piece of news: For the first time in recent history, the average Canadian is richer than the average American.

According to data from Environics Analytics WealthScapes published in the Globe and Mail, the net worth of the average Canadian household in 2011 was $363,202, while the average American household’s net worth was $319,970.

And that’s what happens when Republicans are more interested in killing the President’s Jobs Bill and stomping the Affordable Care Act back into insurance boondoggle land.

Thanks to Ralph for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Yeah, But What We Lack In Money We Make Up For in Crime Rate”

  1. Bo Leeyeau says:

    Interesting. You just knew something wasn’t right when they told us the 50% of US households that don’t pay any federal income taxes, don’t owe any federal income taxes. It’s called poverty.

  2. “… while the average American household’s net worth was $319,970” … excuse me? I guess I don’t even know any of those “average Americans” … it sure isn’t me, never was me and when I was working, I thought I was doing doggone well pulling in $52,000 a year! I wanted to be one of those “average Americans” but no one was willing to pay me those kinds of wages!! Of course, I retired in 2004, maybe that’s the reason!! Now I’m just amongst the poor!

  3. Marcia, if I could just add 10% of that average American’s worth to my pocket, I’d be well on my way to being out of money troubles.

  4. I’d like to see what the *median* income is–you know, the one with half of us above and half below. Scary, huh?

  5. Double nickel says:

    Average net worth includes much more than your annual income.

  6. If the energy spent fighting our current Uncivil Wars had been channeled into global competitiveness we might not be falling behind in the world. Why is it that the people who claim to be the biggest patriots dislike most Americans, hate the federal government, and pursue laws that suppress legal voters?

  7. aggieland liz says:

    @ DJ, ready for that beer amigo? in 2007 median income in America was 31,111 and in Canada was 25,363. Source Wikipedia after a quick Google, will try harder later, gotta go to work. BTW, US was #2 in 2007 to Luxembourg, Canada was #7. Note that this was all before the 2008 bush-induced economic implosion.

  8. I think the figure for US family net worth is grossly inflated, try $77,300 for 2010.

    That 6 figure amount, perhaps includes the value of a house, but not the mortgage on it.
