September 16, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized
Welcome to The World's Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc.
My name is Susan DuQuesnay Bankston. I live in Richmond, Texas, in the heart of Tom DeLay's old district. It's nuttier than squirrel poop here.
I am honored and privileged to know Miss Juanita Jean Herownself, hairdresser extraordinary and political maven. Since she does not have time to fiddle with this internet stuff, I type her website for her and you can read it if you want to. If you don't, she truly does not give a big bear's butt.
A lot of what I post here has to do with local politics, but you probably have the same folks in your local government.
This ain't a blog. Blogs are way too trendy for me. This is a professional political organization.
1All other words escape me.
2He said this in an address to the Values Voter Conference. I’d love to see the video…I’m curious if they cheered being called stupid.
3Well, if Rick Santorum says so, who am I to disagree:
4You know, something just occurred to me. When a conquering force takes over a society, the first thing it does is eliminate the teachers. Then the language and arts are suppressed. Reading more of what Santorum said sounds just like this.
5Remember what “we” did to the Native American children? Put them in “American” schools, forbade them to speak anything but English, and took away their cultural rituals. Without these things a culture can’t survive.
So although this is stupid and to a point funny, it’s really spot on for the R’s true agenda.
It was through a comment at that I found you Juanita Jean, so I think it’s fair that I give Jim’s commentary a mention. is only the latest of three good ones this week. He says it like I wish I could.
6Finally, something , Rick Santorum, says that i can agree with.
7This is what is called a “back handed compliment” according to my mother.
I think everything he has done up to this point verifies the fact he wants nothing to do with intelligence.
8Jan, above, has it right. Examples from history are all over the place.
9From Rick’s lips to God’s ears.
10The Rebirth of the Know-Nothing Party.
11Agreed, Santo is dumber than those under the rocks, lots of rocks, big heavy rocks.
RA, thanks for the heads-up – I check Stonekettle a couple of times of week for Jim’s worldview and his hilarious/well thought-out and amazingly “right-on” sensibilities. I may have found him here or at The Mudflats, but I love JuanitaJeanHerownself, JimWrightStonekettle, Mudflats, MaliaLitman (check her out), Everybody at PolitcusUSA and many other totally SMART people. Guess I will never get invited to theVVSummit for Idiots or any of Santo’s Crusades of 2000es. Funny, I never get invited to any of the RePig shindigs they hold in Tennessee, but am ALWAYS invited to all the doings at the Tennessee Democratic Party, the HQers events, and other places where “smart people” meet, even. roflmfao
12Sometimes they accidentally tell the truth.
13If you go back and look at history after the first World War and read about the rise of Hitler and the Nazis the republican party of today is frighteningly similar. They go after the educated, the scientists and the great thinkers of the day. Look at the brain drain from Germany before the war. They controlled the media. They created the ‘other’ class of people that were not good enough to be in “their” country and then made them objects that were easy to kill for the good of the country.
They were militaristic and religious. And they damned near won the war.
Rick is right. The republicans as they stand today should never have the smart people of their side.
14They don’t want them. They want the people that they can control and manipulate.
Smart people ask questions and demand facts. And God knows, republicans are allergic to facts!
This might be the first time one of Rick Santorum’s comments rate a “True” on PolitiFact’s Truth-O-Meter.
15I’ve always said I wasn’t rich enough or racist enough to be a Republican. Now I know I’m not stupid enough either. Thanks for the heads up Rick!
16@ Diane … that is so true and it is so frightening!!
17FINALLY — something the republicans and I can agree on!
18“We will never have the elite, smart people on our side.”
Nor do you want them, evidently.
I’m reminded of Adlai Stevenson’s remark when told that all of the smart people were on his side: That’s not enough; we need a majority.
19Thanks, RA — Mike at stonekettle was magnificent! And thanks, Rhea, too. Sadly, when Adlai said that, I think there may have been more smart people. Or at least there weren’t a tremendous number of people who were proud of being either ignorant or genetically stupid.
It’s a little bit sad that watching Santorum say that just made my day. It’s been a while since I just couldn’t stop smiling. Do ya’ think that someone from Mitten’s campaign may have called him and asked that he stop speaking? If they didn’t, they should have.