Yeah, But …
To be honest, I am less interested in impeachment than I am the Supreme Court decision on releasing Trump’s financial records from the criminal enterprise known as Deutsche Bank.
I don’t know what’s there but Trump’s determined interest in keeping it secret tells me that he’s probably got loans secured by Russians and the Saudis. Plus, I’m willing to bet my best pair of pink boots that Trump isn’t a billionaire.
Ya can’t argue with numbers. Well, you can but it won’t do you much good.
The nice thing about the records is that it won’t be Trump releasing them. It’ll be the accounting firm and Deutsche Bank. So, that means Trump can’t sit on them and dare someone to come get them.
Thelma says the coolest part would be discovering if Putin sends out 1099’s.
Now I’m counting on Chief Justice Roberts not wanting his legacy to be Trump’s bag man. I understand that’s risky.
The other good part is that Trump can’t protect his kids from state charges. He can’t pardon them. My belief is that it’ll turn into Lord of Flies within 24 hours.