Yeah, But ….

August 12, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

This is the Washington Post but headlines like this are all over the Internet machine.



Yeah, but did they count the white nationalists inside the White House?

Thelma wants to know, y’all, because we don’t want no fake news.


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0 Comments to “Yeah, But ….”

  1. Unite the Right.
    Also known as the Trump Administration’s Job Fair, for when the West Wing needs a new muckle of Banta fodder.

  2. Mary O'Grady says:

    I put myself through listening to C-SPAN’s coverage of the speeches at the white supremacist rally, so y’all don’t have to.
    It was utterly hilarious. They had about 4 speakers, all of them whining like toddlers about how all those bad counter-demonstrators scared their supporters and even some of their speakers so badly that they could not bring themselves to show up. Oh, and the driver of a charter bus they hired apparently found out who he was supposed to be driving, and bailed, like a sensible person of good will. The oldest speaker, a self described disbarred lawyer from New Orleans, proclaimed that the US is now “less free” than it was in 1860, even taking into account chattel slavery.

  3. Charles R Phillips says:

    Their momma’s probably wouldn’t let them borrow the Volvo for the weekend.

  4. We should take our victories where we can get them.

    BUT, this could just be the smart alt-righters learned that showing their faces in an internet world could be disastrous. Or they are too apathetic to bother this time.

    In any case, election day 2018 is coming, and (for those of us not in completely blue states) there are voters to get registered and motivated to save our country…

  5. Linda Phipps says:

    My faves are the two guys who held polyester flags in front of their faces so they wouldn’t get retaliation. So much for standing proud of their convictions. They probably still are pulling their tails out from between their hind legs.

  6. Lunargent says:

    It’s kinda hilarious. Though considerably less so for Charlottesville and the local area, which probably spent a small fortune on security in anticipation of the trouble these yahoos might cause.

    I think a lot of young guys have given up what was a bit of an ideological fad. But that hard core base of hatred and resentment has probably just burrowed back underground for a bit.

    But it’s so heartening to see the thousands who showed up in opposition. You wanted our attention, you right-wing turdballs? You got it. How’s it feel?

  7. Very, very glad that the events in both C-ville and D.C. turned out TAME!!! Yeah, they slunk back to their scabrous dens wherein they will plan for “next time” whenever that may be and just how to ramp up the danger level. Whatever we do, just don’t ever fall asleep! Remember, crud floats! It can suddenly arise anywhere.

  8. Such happy headlines, Nice to see so many marching against “white supremacy”. Now go back under that rock and stay there this is not our way.

  9. Perhaps the headline should have been White House Supremacists Dwarf Those Supremacists Attending Rally.

    I think those Supremacists from last year learned that going public
    1) Can get you kicked out of college
    2) Can get you fired
    3) Render you dateless

  10. Cheryl:

    4) Restaurants refuse you service.

    All of these are good IMO…

  11. Important to always remember that there are many more of us than them. But, do not allow apathy to creep in. We will win!

  12. So now they are mimicking their idols in the Middle East and covering their faces like the terrorist do. Monkey see, monkey do.

  13. WA Skeptic says:

    Sadly, this same group causes big problems in great places like Portland, OR. It really irritates me that this is such a terrible thing. The wanna-be fascists who are subvert our great tradition of freedom of speech and hide behind our great flag.

  14. A bunch of cowards hiding behind guns.

  15. @maryelle:

    And the ones that hide under white sheets.
