Yeah, Because You Can Always Trust Republicans With Guns
What could possibly go wrong?
Sen. Glenn Hegar said it is unfair for students with concealed handgun licenses to be prohibited from keeping a firearm in their cars while they go into class.
That’s why Hegar, R-Katy, proposed SB 1907, which passed out of the Senate on Tuesday and into the House for further debate. But there’s a caveat: Campus carry cannot be attached as an amendment.
Sen. Wendy Davis, D-Fort Worth, asked Hegar for his assurance that an amendment to allow students to bring firearms into college buildings would not be smuggled into the final bill.
First off, I would not trust Glen Hegat as far as I can throw him. Hegar is so crooked that he has to screw on his socks in the morning. I can almost promise you that once this gets to the floor, Hegar’s recall will need an overhaul and he’ll work himself into a verbal lather and holler that it’s unfair, unfair I tell you, that students have to keep their guns in their cars where people can steal them. What English 305 really needs is a couple of hidden handguns to keep the nerds from breaking the voting curve.
You can dance this all over the floor but it’s still a bad idea.
You’ll notice that Hegar cannot give one example where a gun in a school parking lot has done something good. I can promise you that all you’re doing is arming drug dealers in parking lots.
Texas has 99 problems but getting more guns in the hands of kids ain’t one of them.
Thanks to Raphael for the heads up.