Yeah, Because We Love Pizza More Than Life Itself!

February 18, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Let’s take a visit to Bobtown, Pennsylvania, where Chevron Corporation’s fracking operation blew a gasket. Literally.

After an explosion that “sounded like a jet engine going five feet over your house,” flames from the explosion issued a challenge to the sun even 12 hours later.

The heat from the blaze — which caused a tanker truck on site that was full of propane gas to explode — was so intense that first responders from local fire departments had to pull back rather than risk injury.

The fire burned for five days, putting God only knows what into the air all around the area.  As of today, one worker is injured and another is missing and presumed dead.

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Being a responsible corporation, Chevron wanted to make things right to the community after killing one of them, injuring another, putting something awful in the air, and expecting a small local fire department to clean up their mess.

So, free pizzas!  A pizza for you.  A pizza for you!  A pizza for you!  Everybody gets a pizza!

Here’s the letter residents got.  Click the little one to get the big one.



Notice how they made the coupon expire on May 1st because, let’s face it, you might not live that long.  But, hey, they just went all out and even threw in a 2-liter drink!

The pizza place says that Chevron bought 100 of these gift certificates.  That’s nice.  Maybe it’s all they could afford.

The nation’s second-largest oil company saw another strong year on better performance from its refining business. Chevron’s 2012 earnings of $26.2 billion are the second highest result in company history, behind $26.9 billion in 2011.

Screw it.  Elizabeth Warren for President!

Thanks to Robert for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Yeah, Because We Love Pizza More Than Life Itself!”

  1. Marge Wood says:

    PIZZA?! PIZZA? I am so embarrassed for everyone. Free pizza for all. I guess they can serve it at the hospital to the visitors to their injured relatives.

  2. That Other Jean says:

    “Screw it. Elizabeth Warren for President!”

    A-men! If only. . .

  3. The modern equivalent of Marie Antoinette’s,
    “Let them eat cake.”

  4. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Holy Gohmerts! Too many of this “accidents” happening with the corporations involved taking near zero responsibility in cleaning up their messes.

    YES! Elizabeth Warren for President. May she appoint her equivalent to the EPA, US Attorney General, and so forth.

    Bring on single payer health insurance. The insurance industry can make their new living with the corporate cretins.

    PS Chevron, take your pizza and _____ __ with box, bottle and delivery slip!

  5. Bernard Terway says:

    I am confused by that first sentence: “Sorry we missed you.” What does that mean, they are sorry that the explosion didn’t get them all? Now they have to give out a free pizza because the explosion didn’t finish the job? I don’t know, maybe I just don’t know!

  6. Bernard,”Sorry we missed you.”does give you pause doesn’t it!? The same folks who handle safety issues must also be in charge of PR. Still, if we “have any concerns” we can call the “toll free community hotline” because Chevron cares so much they have left town!!!

  7. Elizabeth Warren for President? No.

    Elizabeth Warren for Chief Justice. I’m not sure she’s political enough to be President, but she would rock as a Justice. And she wouldn’t be limited to 8 years.

  8. Joe's Confused....still says:

    It just makes me wonder what the “special” combo is.

  9. We blew up your town, injured and killed a few, what a bother! Have a pizza and a soda. There. Now that’s settled.

    This is the USA version of the scene in Tale of Two Cities where the arrogant aristocrat in his carriage runs down a child and kills him. The carriage stops briefly and after the Aristo scolds the bereaved father he tosses him a coin and orders “Drive on!”

    Was it Karl Marx who said “History repeats itself: the first time as tragedy, the second time as farce.”

  10. m in el paso says:

    I’m with you on “Elizabeth Warren for President,” JJ!

  11. I know, I know, but I just gotta say it: cheesy Chevron! And I predicted this a long time ago. With all the frenzied drilling going on, it just had to happen!

  12. Okay, I give them a 1% credit for getting the certificates at what seems to be a small local business. But probably they’d have gone with Papa Johns (that friend of the Koch Bros.) if there was a local one.

    The other 99% they get from me is pig poop.

    I don’t suppose the term “chutzpah” applies when it’s the umpty-billion-dollar multinational crapping on the local people. Someone help me out with the right word here.

  13. Took another look at that certificate and it says “Special Combo Only.” I have a strong feeling that the Special Combo pizza isn’t vegetarian, so if I got one of these piddly certificates I couldn’t even use it. Not everyone wants the Special Combo.

    Just suggests to me that whoever made this decision at Chevron thinks that “whatever I want is surely what everybody ought to want, especially these peons.” Okay, they’re down to about 1/2% credit with me.

  14. It could have been worse.. They could have gone cheap and sent coupons for frozen DiGiorno Pizza. Then ask the recipient to bake it over the smoldering embers of the inferno Chevron created. In order to, you know, make use of an existing heat source and reduce the collective carbon footprint. Go green.

  15. John Peter Henson says:

    Do you suppose there is fine print on those coupons? ..”by using this coupon the bearer releases Chevron from any liability”…..

  16. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Rhea, when “chutzpah” isn’t a perfect fit, there’s always gohmert. That’s “chutzpah” with crazy added to a load of steer manure, plus a few other unattractive ingredients.

  17. I wonder what the people in West think about this? I guess since they blew up the pizza joint, there was just no way to make restitution, so they had to make themselves scarce.

  18. Ohio’s governor and his minions have been colluding with Big Oil to frack in state parks. PA is no longer The Keystone State, but the well pad state. North Carolina is awash in coal ash. West Virginians can’t use their drinking water for anything but flushing toilets.

    I thought John Carpenter’s ‘They Live’ was a fun movie, but I didn’t think I’d live to see the day it turned out to be as prophetic as Orwell’s 1984.

  19. @Chevron: Even when you’re giant like Goliath, paybacks and get evens are a mutha@#$%^&,

  20. AlanInAustin says:

    On the brighter side, they’re all getting bottled water – fresh from WVA.

  21. Really you just can’t even make this stuff up. And their PR department has a tin ear starting the letter off like that. Sure, they had the letters delivered by hand, but that opening reads like they regret that their explosion was off target and that “we’ll get YOU next time.”

    The arguments over to frack or not frack near the Catskill Mountains (watersheds of which feed NYC reservoirs!) are still going on. This incident in PA is a show-stopper up here if we have any brains at all. Our firefighters are our neighbors and family members. Just another reason to say NO.
