Yeah, Because This is Texas And We’d Rather Watch Grandma Die Than Look At Obama

February 13, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh, y’all, Rick Perry is talking but he ain’t saying nothing.

CaptureperrymoneyNow he claims that we like being uninsured in Texas.  It’s like better than Disneyland for us!

“Texas has been criticized for having a large number of uninsured,” he said, “but that’s what Texans wanted. They did not want a large government program forcing everyone to purchase insurance.”

We don’t mind big government forcing people to get car insurance in Texas, but bygawd, that doesn’t have Obama’s name on it.  We’d rather die, thank you very much.

A million and half Texans were denied health coverage because Rick Perry says so.  According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, 70 percent of uninsured Texans are in working families, with 40 percent living below the poverty level.  And, according to Rick, those folks are damn proud to be in awful pain or to die to help Rick Perry’s presidential aspirations.

He’s a sumbitch.

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0 Comments to “Yeah, Because This is Texas And We’d Rather Watch Grandma Die Than Look At Obama”

  1. The sad fact is he really does represent what the majority of his constituents actually think.

  2. Fred Farklestone says:

    If Perry’s PAC doesn’t have any donor’s, what’s Perry using for money these day’s?

  3. He’s one of the Mole People. Utterly worthless.

  4. If that’s what Texans want then why does Rick Perry have health insurance? Is he not a true Texan?

  5. Flush!!!!!!! Mama, I just had to say that.

  6. Well, at least the Republicans are consistent – they oppose any regulations offering protections to the 99.9%:

    A committee of Texas lawmakers met Tuesday to discuss possible legislation aimed at preventing another disaster like last year’s explosion in West, Texas — with some Republicans still skeptical of imposing regulations on fertilizer storage facilities.
    Source: The Texas Tribune, Some Lawmakers Want Changes to Avoid Fertilizer Blasts

    So, after the unregulated fertilizer plant blows up your house, and they’re lying in the ruins bleeding, Republican voters can rest assured that at least the blast wasn’t prevented by some intrusive government regulation, and no pesky government-imposed insurance policy will help cover their medical bills.

  7. He’s a Sumbitch…. and I hope he is enjoying his Medicare and pensions. Sumbitch.

  8. In this interview Perry said people want someone who has been “road-tested.” I love this quote from The Daily Kos:

    “See, again with this: Rick Perry is “road-tested” in the sense that he tried this before and quickly blew a tire and skidded into the crowd. That counts as “road-tested” now? This is the same dynamic that keeps Bill Kristol employed; sure, every single time anyone has ever tried out one of his supposed ideas it’s been a terrible wreck, but the guy sure has been road-tested!”

  9. LynnN-
    I want to hear the Perry speech where he shows his solidarity with the uninsured by joining them.

  10. Sadly if the Healthcare Name was Reagancare or Bushcare I’m willing to bet it would have flown high with pride. But no god forbid if the have anything that is positive with the black man’s name on it. Sorry TX bless your ignorance. Start voting for people who really do care for working people.

  11. Ralph Wiggam says:

    If Texans are so happy without health services, why are they required to have an unnecessary procedure, ultrasound, as a prerequisite for abortion?

    Republicans confuse me.

  12. If Texas had this health plan, Perry would go for it!

  13. linda phipps says:

    Alan: “The sad fact is he really does represent what the majority of his constituents actually think.” You are assuming that his constituents think.

  14. I cannot add worse to what I have already said publicly and privately about pRick. Miz JJ’s comment says it all, “He’s a sumbitch.”

  15. e platypus onion says:

    Money Boo Boo tried to distance hisownself from Romneycare when his base rejected the idea of socialized medicine.

  16. Marge Wood says:

    SHAME ON PERRY. Shame shame shame shame.

  17. Perry, Abbott, and the other TX GOPTPers can make their mouths say anything, but facts don’t support their nonsense. The Hill reported yesterday that Obamacare signups are surging in southern states, and one of those states is Texas.

    “Signups for ObamaCare are surging in southern states, with increases of nearly 100 percent in some states compared to last year, federal health officials said Wednesday.”

    “Texas, Louisiana, South Carolina and Mississippi have each seen 80 percent more signups compared to last year, Deputy Administrator Andy Slavitt said.”

  18. Marlene Steenhoek says:

    Unfortunately it isn’t just this President they object to (although they are blatant about it now) – if you recall the various “Scandals” from day 1 with Clinton. They simply cannot do anything for the good of the country it must be only for their good. Carter was messed with as well. It stems from the fact the GOP cannot acknowledge they are criminals with no intent to do anything for the 99% only the 1%. I think having to face Nixon’s sins blew their tiny minds – it was so in your face. I do understand why Ford pardoned him but he shouldn’t have — the GOP was humiliated and instead of changing, examining their actions they double down on the behavior.

    Same as holding W accountable for war crimes…I understand why POTUS urged to turn a page but he forgot he is not dealing with honest or Christian people. The mess he was handled was all consuming but the GOP didn’t appreciate being let off the hook, they were angry because THEY messed up the world economy and had to deny, deny, deny. They were angry because a Democrat won and to heap insult upon injury he wasn’t white…That’s why they met on the night POTUS – one could argue that a cabal met in secret to undermine the government…that too should have been reported on but none of the media cares about speaking truth to power only to pretend they are trustworthy and honest.

  19. RepubAnon, good one.

    “Some Lawmakers Want Changes to Avoid Fertilizer Blasts.” And others don’t and couldn’t be bothered to give a monkey’s, since it’s not their patoots going up in smithereens.

    Dems really need to go door to door and say, “You don’t like what these fools are giving you? Then vote for the other one!”

  20. The Accused felon thinks somebody cares what he has to say.
    Not too many Perry fans left, judging by his campaign donations.

  21. I remember the great Kay Bailey ad during the primary. “Every four years we vote him into office and we spend the other three wondering why we did it.” I’ve argued with my father (who I inherited my politics from) for years that we have a perfectly good term limit already in place. It’s called the ballot box. The problem is that Citizens United, voter suppression (er ID lawa), and voter apathy have created a stacked deck. If you don’t want to term limit (which I still don’t) then you must take the Koch thumbs off the scales and have fully funded public elections.

    That being said, Perry is right in a sense. You get what you elect. It’s not like he’s been hiding the fact that he’s a horse’s behind. The same is true for Abbot, Patrick, or any of the others. So, it sounds like either a majority want this or are just too stupid to know the difference.

  22. e platypus onion says:

    and to go along with RebubAnon’s comments on regulating fertilizer-crude oil is down by at least half,but,petroleum based fertilizer for farmers hasn’t come down at all. Grain prices are lower than in several years ,but, seed corn and bean prices haven’t declined.

  23. Oh, great. Feel free to store things that blow up; this is TX.

  24. How about that press conference before ebola, he was trying to look real big and puffed up saying that ‘we are ready’ I think they forgot to train the staff properly.

  25. texas, a wholly owned subsidiary of ultra mega corp, constantly seeking to persecute the poor in ever more effective ways. ask a republican how!

  26. The Perry position on ammonium nitrate storage: “if a company decides to operate a fertilizer storage facility near your house, it’s kind of stupid for you to keep living there.”
