Yeah, Because His Energy Plan is To Eat Baby Kittens

August 22, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Remember the old, old, oh so damn old teevee show called I’ve Got a Secret?

That’s Mitt Romney.  He’s got secret tax returns, secret plans for the economy, secret underwear, and now secret energy plans.

During a Houston fundraiser, Romney told a room of about 125 donors that he planned to unveil his comprehensive energy plan this week. He said his proposal will specifically relate to fossil-based fuels. But then, he said no more.

“I know that we have members of the media here right now, so I’m not going to go through that in great detail,” Romney said, according to a pool report from the event.

Dude, he was in Houston.  Once the reporters left, you know he hollered, “Drill, baby, drill!”

Good Lord, if they had a Republican who could count past 8 without using his fingers, this guy would never have gotten the nomination.

By the way, the ozone level in Houston yesterday was was at 111, which classifies as  — “UNHEALTHY Everyone may begin to experience health effects.”  And, in other news, Mitt Romney says he would end United States wind power subsidies, because, you know, they make the wind move and that can’t be good for you.

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0 Comments to “Yeah, Because His Energy Plan is To Eat Baby Kittens”

  1. I don’t care what percentage of income Mitt paid.
    I don’t care how much he paid.
    I want to know if he had to take advantage of the IRS tax amnesty for overseas evaders in 2009!!

  2. Hi, JJ:

    Gotta say this, but no names. I have a friend in Houston who is a) a woman, b) a millionaire, self made and c) a medical professional.
    She supports Akin, not the theory he expounds, but the anti-abortion plank.
    She defends Romeny for his “secret energy plan” saying that the Fascist in the White House will just use it for ammunition (Didn’t Cheney have a secret energy plan??)
    Now tell me, how in the world can a person smart enough to make over one million bucks, be in the medical profession and a WOMAN go along with these crazies.
    But I dearly love her and hope that someday she may see the light.

  3. ks sunflower says:

    I feel sick every time I think Romney might win this election. I feel sicker every time I think Ryan might somehow become President if something happens to Romney.

    Most of all, I feel nauseated that so many fellow Americans follow idiots like them. Have we dumbed-down that much?

    Time was, Americans would not put up with secrets. Candidates had to earn our votes, discuss their plans, their vision for the country in concrete, specific terms. Now it seems all the GOP has to offer is either meaningless sound bites or some variation of “mind your own business.”

  4. Sam in Kyle says:

    His energy plan involves having the middle class in a hamster wheel.

  5. Rmoney didn’t get the nomination. Not yet. But he’s getting Secret Service protection, at our expense. Maybe that nomination really is a “done deal”. Or maybe not!

  6. daChipster says:

    daMrs has a friend who lives in Vermont. This woman, a nurse and lifelong Republican, volunteered to help in the cleanup at the World Trade Center. Earlier this year, daMrs actually unfriended her from Facebook and they stopped talking for awhile over the anti-Obama stuff she would post. They got over it and the friend toned some of the wilder stuff down.

    Well, Akins was the last straw. She’s voting Obama in November.

  7. ks sunflower says:

    daChipster – the wife or her friend – who will vote for Obama? Couldn’t quite tell which one is She.

    (Sorry, am waiting for final phase of our first home closing – no numbers yet with only hours to do – so may simply be nervous to understand).

    Sure hope your answer will be both will vote for the President.

  8. TexasEllen says:

    Happy new home, ks sunflower! It is an antsy time waiting for the legalese to start flowing.

    daChipster, glad that Akin finally actually did something positive with his pitiful, ignorant blather.

  9. san fraser says:

    MCPO RET That “amnesty ” thing has GOT to be the reason for stalling – even one more year (sadly, the critical one) would make it all go away, but I’m with you – he doesn’t dare. Maybe at the last minute, when the superpacs have done all the brainwashing they can and it it too late for “fact checks” to function, it will miraculously appear to put his “honesty” over the top for any undecided. You can be sure there is a plan.

  10. The “American people”….. and I’m putting that in quotes…… because so many politicians feel they know….. what’s (a) either best……. or (b) what’s wrong…… with the “American people” and the think they speak for us.

    If Mitt Romney, and his running mate told the “American people” that they purport to know so well……

    What they have in mind for us..when we find out……(if they get elected)…… they know we would tar and feather them………. right out of town.

    They, Romney/Ryan….. don’t want to know real American people….

    It would scare the sh** (sorry Momma) out of both of them.

  11. @Gene…

    That’s an easy one.

    Has more to do with religion than politics.

  12. daChipster says:

    @ks sunflower, the friend is now voting for Obama. daMrs was always for the Prez. In fact, he brought us together. In ’08, I was an Obama field organizer for Defiance and Williams Counties, Ohio. She came in to volunteer (next Tuesday will mark the 4th anniversary of the day we met.) A few days after the November election, we both got Obama “O” tattoos, mine on my calf, hers on her shoulder blade. To incredulous Republicans, we say, “Yeah, we got the Mark of the Beast!” and laugh.

    So, yes, mark daMRs down for Obama. In the tank. Signed, sealed, delivered, so to speak. And now her friend, too.

    Good luck on the house! Congrats!

    @TexasEllen – I have a feeling that a lot more people like my wife’s friend are finally having the scales fall from their eyes!

    Todd is hate, Todd is toast, let us thank him for the votes. Ahhh-men!

  13. @MCPO…..

    I want to know it all…

    I want to know….. if the guy the Republicans are running for President……….

    is a crook……. or not. People who are going to vote in November…… have a right to know.

  14. Randy Mealer says:

    JJ, Did you you know that there is scientific proof that all those wind farms are responsible for the drought, global warming and high gas prices? scientists say that those giant fans block the natural flow of the winds that would normally do something something and instead do something something.
    Damned libruls. ( I read it on the internet, so it must be true.)

  15. KS Sunflower … I feel exactly the same way you feel … all nauseated and ready to hurl when I get the slightest thought that Romney/Ryan might actually get their toes into the White House! I simply cannot wrap my brain around the ignorance of Republican women who are so warped in their thinking … or cowtowing to their husbands … that they would actually vote for the less-then-dynamic duo!

    It’s all enough to make me go back to drinking!

  16. @ks sunflower
    You shudder to think of Ryan becoming president if something happens to Romney.

    Isn’t that the same feeling so prevalent under Bush/Cheney. Please keep W safe, Lord, save us from Cheney.

    Right on, Kid. My analysis, too, but I didn’t want to step on any Super Better-than-thou Christian toes.

  17. I* don’t know where all the crazies come from. It seems that there may be a hurricane in Tampa during the republican convention. Limbaugh is saying it is an Obama conspiracy
    to disrupt the convention.

  18. Elise Von Holden says:

    I am sick too at the thought of Rmoney in the White House.
    My Republican daughter says not to worry– she is voting for Obama, as is her husband– and that is unreal– but I worry about the extreme Xians like my ex Facebook friend (who has Forgotten all her teenage indiscretions and become very holyish) she makes me scared as well–she hates that nword and makes no Bones about it– her Jesus has blue eyes!
    I am making my 1st ever campaign contribution to my President, Elizabeth Warren and that Crazy madcap Florida guy (whose names escapes me right now)

    “If you get sick, die quickly”

  19. Marge Wood says:

    Carry around those white voter reg. cards with you. Ask all the young folks you know if they’re registered to vote. I kept the cards in my hospital room awhile back. You’d be amazed how many young nurses aren’t registered to vote. Some of them say they just don’t know who to vote for. I said if you only remember one thing, vote for a Democrat for the Texas Legislature. And nobody’s running for governor this time around. Now we are talking smart people. They survived nursing school, for crying out loud. I said if all the women in Texas had voted, we wouldn’t have Perry for governor. This young woman is registered to vote but she had never heard of Bill White. Wake up, y’all. Look in the mirror. It’s not about somebody else. This is about all of us reading these.
