Yeah, And I Get My Neighbor’s Readers Digest

June 03, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Some people.

I am just amazed that stuff like this doesn’t happen to me.

It sounds like a stoner’s dream, but it’s been a bit of a nightmare for a California man who recently got an unexpected FedEx delivery: 11 pounds of marijuana.

It seems the box was addressed to him but he didn’t order the stuff – at least that’s what he says.  He called the police to come get it – at least that’s what he says.  He claims that he didn’t sample the product and that I do believe.  Had he, the police would not be involved.  Doritos would be.

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0 Comments to “Yeah, And I Get My Neighbor’s Readers Digest”

  1. Now if he got all his deliveries by e-mail . . .

  2. This happened to the mayor of the town next to ours. The scam is to get drugs delivered to an innocent address and grab them off the doorstep before someone takes the box inside. Unfortunately the mayor took the box into the house, and a county SWAT team burst in, held the mayor and his mother on the floor at gunpoint, and shot both their black labs (at least one whom was running away from them).

    I wish I were joking.

  3. maryelle says:

    Apparently the receiver of the pot was aware of the danger and left town, lest the owner of said pot showed up and was less than pleased that it was gone. He did leave a note to the effect that the Sacramento Police had said pot in their possession, the least he could do, under the circumstances.

  4. Corinne Sabo says:

    Not Doritos, mallowmars.

  5. Rhea – It’s not delivery – – it’s de SWAT Team.

  6. This happened to a friend of mine returning from Nepal, years ago. The deal was that the drugs were put into some drums (she was a musicologist) she was shipping back. Of course everything had to pass through customs on the way out of the country to make sure that you weren’t shipping antiquities so she had to hand the drums over to Nepali government officials and it is they who stuck the drugs in–since she couldn’t have/wouldn’t have been in a position to put the stuff in herself since the things were shipped out by customs on her behalf. They had some deal with someone at the post office on the US side but the guy, whoever he was, missed the shipment and the drums arrived at her house full of drugs. She reported it to the police and she had a hell of a time proving she had nothing to do with it.

  7. I don’t get my neighbor’s RD but I do get a lot of mail addressed to a neighbor at 11 xxx road while I live at 11 yyy road. He’s a world-famous actor, so you’d think the mailman would not get us confused. 😀

  8. Rick, it might be funnier if they hadn’t killed the dogs, and if the county taxpayers hadn’t had to shell out for yet another lawsuit award. We do not have a genteel or well-trained police force in this county, but the County Exec replacing the one who went to jail is doing better. (Remember hearing about the exec’s wife opening the door to the FBI with $80,000 in kickbacks stuffed in her bra at her husband’s urgent phoned suggestion? That was the guy I didn’t vote for either time.)

  9. Bananas says:

    This happened to a friend’s 80 year old mother-in-law but it was cocaine. She had no clue what it was, granddaughter called the cops & they came and took it away. She asked them who in the world would send her flour. We think it was a grandson but no proof, senders address was faked.

  10. “I went over to my next door neighbors house to borrow a pot holder. He went inside for a few moments, then came out with a ziplock bag. Mental note: New best friend.”
    — from the Internet

  11. Then there was the case of the guy sitting in his house, minding his own business, smoking a substance that is clearly not tobacco. The front and back doors were open because it was a nice day and he was enjoying the cool breezes. All of a sudden a man bursts through the door, runs through the house and exits through the back yard. Startled, as you can well imagine, our guy puts his pipe down and stands up, mouth agape at the intrusion, only to immediately have two armed police officers, guns drawn dash through his house in pursit of the intruder who had robbed the store down the street.

    The intruder got away, but the police officers came back and arrested the smoker for possession of a controlled substance. His lawyer argued that this amounted to an illegal search and seizure because they didn’t have a warrant to enter the premises and they would not have known about the minuscule amount of marihuana if they had not entered illegally.

    The court declined to accept the argument that this was “fruit from the poison tree” and let the man’s conviction stand because the police were “in hot pursuit.”

    The first moral of this story: Lock your doors if you are doing something you shouldn’t be doing.

    The most important take-away is however that the “war on drugs” is a total failure. Look at that poor woman in Mexico who had the misfortune to be on the wrong bus at the wrong time. Or any of the 100’s of thousands of people who have criminal records for possession of minuscule amounts of pot that may or may not have been theirs.

    We spend billions jailing more people than any other nation in the world!

    I’m all in favor of locking up the bad guys, and I certainly am not arguing in favor of releasing violent offenders but common sense dictates that we make some changes here.

    So what effect will the Court’s recent ruling on DNA acquisition have on this burgeoning prison population? My guess, it’s time to invest in prison stock!

  12. I’m pretty dumb about any of this. I’d have to ask my kids.

    But, from where would you order 11 pounds of pot? Is that something you can buy on eBay, or And, then they ship it FedEx, or UPS, or even USPS? Or is this a catalog order item thing? I just don’t know.

    How the guy got it, by mistake or otherwise, is just bizarre. That it came by parcel delivery, is even more so.

    I get my neighbor’s mail, once in a great while. Once it was her department store statement, and usually when the regular mail carrier is not working. But never anything like this.

    Thank goodness.

  13. Uncle Dave says:

    And all of this because collectively we did not get the message that prohibition was a disaster.

  14. I’ve had a suspicion, since about 1966, that if you legalized Cannabis sativa and taxed at very high rates its cultivation, transport, sale, and use, the Lege would soon lose all interest in personal income tax, inheritance taxes, and capital gains. Can’t prove it because all the income derived from marijuana industry is below eye level. All that and apparently with fewer health challenges that tobacco.
