Yeah, All This Fight Needed Was Some Stars and Bars

April 07, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Ya know, there are some damn crazy people in Texas who think they are characters in a Zane Gray novel.

C.J. Grisham is the leader of Open Carry Texas.  He organized the protest at the San Antonio Police Department in favor of open carry.  The vast majority of Texas police chiefs oppose open carry.


If you will click on the little picture to get the big one and then click again to get the holy cow that’s big picture, you will notice that Ole C.J. has deputized himself and got a badge of some sort.  They say that you cannot judge a man by the clothes, but in this case I think you safely can.

What pickles my nose the most, though, is the young man on the left with his pants tucked in his boots.  My best guess is that he couldn’t afford a car so he bought expensive boots to impress the girls.  A cowboy once told me that when a drugstore cowboy tucks his pants in his boots its so that he can wet his pants without a making a tell-tell puddle the first time he sees an actual bull.

If this young man wants to carry a military grade weapon, why the hell ain’t he in the military?  And if he wants to carry a confederate flag, why the hell ain’t he dead and buried on a battlefield in Virginia?

I have a real problem with this.  This isn’t even within shouting distance of how people in a civilized society ought to act.  That kid doesn’t appear to be … I dunno, educable material?  He has no business carrying two guns.  He looks like somebody who could win a grudge carrying contest.

This morning, Texas Senate Committee on Agriculture, Rural Affairs & Homeland Security is holding a hearing that will take up three charges, two of which are related to border security, the third is rather vague, it reads: “Study and make recommendations on removing barriers to Second Amendment Rights, including but not limited to open carry legislation. Consider other state laws related to open carry.”

C.J. and his buddies are scheduled to testify and so is the NRA.  Some folks got wind of this and the Texas Chapter of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America demanded to be allowed to testify.

Kick ass, Moms.

Thanks to Stephanie for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Yeah, All This Fight Needed Was Some Stars and Bars”

  1. Uncle Dave says:

    Two things appear missing from that gaggle of geese: any suggestion of intellect and winners.

  2. Larry McLaughlin says:

    As for the kid, the bigger the hat and gun, the smaller the “manhood”

  3. Fred Farklestone says:

    Looks like the high sheriff’s belt is ready to burst! Hold that big gut in has strained it almost to the busting point!

  4. gabberflasted says:

    Ol’ CJ should be thinkin’ about a corset. Thinking Lee Marvin, here. Or, at least a much wider belt. Is that a possibles bag he’s totin’,??
    Here in Illinois, the state police are considering enrolling in Conseal Carry class. Because some instrructors are instructing in the Concealed Carry of ‘air soft’ (?). Weapons and range free shootin’.

  5. Fred Farklestone says:

    What’s that hanging in front of the guy, in the camo’s?

  6. Still…with open carry, we can all see how stupid they look and how important it is to them to be bullies instead of real heroes. With concealed carry, they get to hide a lot of the stupidity somewhere else. If we *made* them open carry, maybe more people would see how serious this problem really is.

    In this case, bat$h1t crazy.

  7. Elizabeth says:

    Larry, it doesn’t matter what size the manhood is, if the brain’s not working.

    Now personally, I’m offended by that flag: if you’re basing your argument that it’s OK for you to open carry firearms on the U.S. Constitution, you ferdamsure shouldn’t be carrying a traitor’s flag.

    And I’m offended at the idea that I should have to carry my firearm all the time (it’s HEAVY, dammit, and my jeans are tight enough already) just in case one of these bozos loses his cool and starts shooting the innocent, so I can maybe (!) hide behind a trash can and take him down.

    One definition of civilization is that everyone does not have to be armed and in fear of imminent strife all the time. People can handle day-to-day rough places without resorting to deadly force, and go on trading cows, having dinner with family, walking down to the store, etc. These guys are just too bung-full of something I won’t specify, and need to be taken off somewhere safe (for us) and allowed to release all that unmentionable out of the way of civilized folks. It’s too bad we can’t send them to Elba.

  8. Marge Wood says:

    I guess everyone needs a hero….they all been watchin’ too many old movies and watching stunt men pretend they are shot so they can fall off horses.

  9. Marge Wood says:

    Seriously, if enough of these nut cases complain to their legislators and get the attention of the Koch brothers and Adelson, they actually could get some traction. They need to read THE COOKIE WAR, about how to make friends without beating ’em up.

  10. They certainly are some ridiculous looking goobers…..

  11. Ralph Wiggam says:

    I feel sorry for people who live in such fear that they think they need a gun. But I truly detest the people who want me to live in fear like they do.

    We all have a right to live without fear. If they choose not to exercise that right, it doesn’t mean they can take the right away from me.

  12. OldMayfly says:

    The caption could be:

    “OK, we got the boots, we got the hats, we got a Confederate battle flag, we got the big ol’ guns…..uh, uh, whatta we do now?”

    Reminds me of a saying in the Vietnam era: “Suppose they gave a war and nobody came.”

  13. Joe's Confused....still says:

    Is that Grandpa Walton….where’s Jason, Johnboy, MaryEllen, etc etc?
    Am I the only one that noticed that there are NO TEETH shown in this picture? Hmmmm

  14. Teh Gerg says:

    Verily, wherever thou goest, there shall always be dumbbutts.

  15. sherif andy got it right….these potential nut jobs should never be alowed to carry more than ONE bullet (in their pocket) and never load it in ANY firearm…

  16. They want to be able to open carry on State property, such as the Capitol. Because school kids on field trips need to see that.

    Y’all think the long white robe that guy next to CJ is wearing has a pointy hood for other occasions?

  17. Looking at this picture and the goofballs in it, I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.

  18. shortpeople says:

    I didn’t know the Village people were holding tryouts.

  19. UmptyDump says:

    I think you answered your own question why that young feller isn’t in the military. He tucks his pants in his boots.

  20. daChipster says:

    Every time I see these guys, the unshakeable conviction comes upon me that, if anyone ever pointed a REAL gun at them, they’d fill their drawers faster than a pre-school class with a 5-pound bag of sugarless gummy bears.

    (apparently, it’s a thing: google it)

  21. Ralph Wiggam, that is one of the best summaries of the gun situation that I have heard. I am likely to steal and quote it, with attribution.

  22. Lorraine in Spring says:

    There’s at least 2 age appropriate guys in that picture who need something to do. WTH are they standing around for waiting for? Inspiration? Rigor Mortis? Got nothing better to do? Enlist, Boys! Your country needs you! The stoopid just doesn’t evaporate, ya gotta work at it!

    Good Grief.

  23. maryelle says:

    A huge detour on the evolutionary progress of homo sapiens. (homo sappy pants)

  24. Zencliff says:

    Best looking bunch of slack jawed locals from t’other side of West Virginia I’ve ever seen.

  25. I always like to see the posture of a well regulated militia; hands in pockets, shoulders forward, facing every conceivable direction. They look like they’re barely ready to start drinking a 12 pack of Bud, much less protect anything.

  26. e platypus onion says:

    The high sheriff appears to be wearing a Texas Ranger badge,available for around 10 bucks on the internet. Dude in camo either has his shirttail hanging out or it is a colostomy bag needed after drilling his manhood with a hollow point man maimer in a moment of lucidity.

  27. e platypus onion says:

    Ralph-the NRA wishes to dispute your contention-with deadly force if need be,and it will be needed. They’ll see to that.
    But,but,Justice Robert thomas Scalia Alito Kennedy-I just know this guy was making fun of my Johnson and I was afraid for my weiner’s life so I had to drill him from a thousand yards-he was a coming for me with malice,I could see that clearly through my nite-vision,infrared nightscope with extremely high magnification and yardage and windage adjustments. If he hadn’t stumbled over the body of the innocent victim I drilled first,I’da had the SOB with the fourth or fifth round I sent his way. Clear case of standing my, ground your honors.

  28. Uncle Dave says:

    This is the way those folks dress when they want to make an impression. Will it worked!

  29. Marge Wood says:


  30. There’s two good times to wear your pants tucked in. One is when you are walking in deep grass where there might be snakes. The other is when you are wearing chaps, riding a horse, and busting cattle out of thick brush. Neither of these is indicated in this pic.

    Miz Juanita, he might think they are fancy boots, but he sure hasn’t taken care of them. In looking at the larger pic, you can see the bottoms need a good soaping and oiling. They are in dreadful condition.

  31. Thank you “Shortpeople” I had a good laugh at your comment , “I didn’t know the Village People were holding tryouts” If you don’t mind I may use that myself sometime.

  32. I once taught school. That crowd look as if every single one of them has attention deficit syndrome — and that they were randomly collected from the roadside. I would bet that at least half of them will not be able to remember they did this say, 24 hours after. P.a.t.h.e.t.i.c.

  33. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Check out the two bug-eyed boys on the left of the picture, who appear to be brothers. (one wearing the scuffed boots, and the other with his gun slung over his back, aimed at his brother’s gohmerts.)

    Those eyes ‘speak’ gohmert crazy, as in don’t sell guns to these boys, as they are certifiable crazy.

    Given the motley assemblage of the new Cro-Magnon Anti-Mensa, the lack of incidental self-neutering is something of a miracle.

  34. Quilter says:

    Fred Farklestone:
    I think the mismatched camo guy is wearing body armor, with the family jewels protective pouch/flap hanging below the shirt. As if any woman would be interested in his family jewels.
    The white bag that is carried by the guy in the white coat looks like the clothespin bag my Gramma used to use. I wonder what the brown leather (?) thingy is that hangs next to the clothespin bag.

  35. scottybeamer says:

    That’s the most pathetic bunch of idiots I’ve ever seen. They couldn’t possibly be human…..the aliens have arrived!

  36. daChipster says:

    maggie, I get where you’re going, but I have ADD, as does my son, and it tends to correlate with higher IQ (he said, modestly.)

    Can we just go with a “random collection of roadside psychopaths” on this one? Such as you might find leaning against the wall of the Twelve Toes Museum of Inbreeding, next to the “*&#% Darwin!” grafitti?

  37. Mark Johnson says:

    My favorite part of the picture is on the far, far right. You can see the bicycle tire and a bit of the barrel of a rifle.

    Just makes me laugh thinking about some doofus riding around town on a bike with an expensive rifle strapped across his chest or back.


    And thank you, Elizabeth, for pointing out that that boy is carrying a traitor’s flag. That doesn’t get mentioned enough. I’ll never understand how people can be so proud of that.

    Fools so damn racist they put their bigotry ahead of their patriotism.

  38. Corinne Sabo says:

    What part of ‘well-regulated militia’ is hard to understand?

  39. maryelle says:

    I think this crew has ODD (Oppositional Defiance Disorder) as evidenced by the confederate flag and weapons overkill.
    Also, the guy holding the bull horn seems less
    than confident about his wardrobe choice. “Does this gun go with these pants?”

  40. Kate Dungan says:

    Is that guy wearing an unzipped klan robe?

  41. Delia Grape says:

    Juanita, you really hit it on the head this time. Confederate flags and Colonel Sanders/Yosemite Sam combined with loaded military style rifles. What’s to worry about?

  42. I’m disappointed in Captain Kangaroo there in the white getup. What happened to his red jacket? You’d think he be all about safety!

  43. You know, I don’t have any problem at all with the Confederate flag and people carrying it in public. I just want to let it be known that they should be carrying the LAST version of a Confederate flag, you know the white one……

  44. @Elizabeth @Larry
    Hadn’t you heard, that’s part of God’s little man joke: A brain AND a penis. But only enough blood to operate one at a time.

  45. RepubAnon says:

    One wonders what would happen if someone lit a string of firecrackers and yelled “Al Qaida!” (After warning the bystanders to take cover, of course.)

  46. It is also possible that the young man on the left with his pants tucked in his boots bought expensive boots to impress the boys. Not that there’s anything wrong with that (other than a severe fashion faux pas), but I’ll bet he wouldn’t dare admit it in this crowd.

  47. Elise Von Holten says:

    I would hate to live in their trailer park…had enough of gun violence where I lived as a child…I’m holding all of them in love…unconditional, complete just as they are, LOVE–they all look like that is really missing in their lives, why else be so angry and full of fear that they need a gun? It makes me so sad that so many people are hurting so much that violence is the only answer they have…afraid of tampons,women in general–oh, the mystery of women! Kindness a foreign attribute, a hard slap their upbringing–all of them need big hearted love…but they are mostly too beat up and gone inside to ever do anything except find their way to jail…after all that’s a place where the rules are laid out and the violence is what they are used to. I am so sad for my country.

  48. Quilter #34 I think that the brown leather “bag” is a sporran (usually worn when wearing a kilt).

  49. When I enlarged the picture of CJ, it appeared to me that there is a stuffed bunny poking out just to the left of his white bag. He’s obviously more paranoid than somewhat, so I wonder if he takes his stuffed bunny along for his nappy. This is one weird group of little boys pretending they’re all grown up.
