Yea! We’re Number Last!

January 26, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


And, dammit, we’re proud of it!

Texas ranks 50th among states in providing health care coverage and mental health services to children.

“And, Honey, we are not about to give up the crown.  You know the old saying that when you’re in a hole, quit digging.  Not in Texas, no siree, we’ve brought in a backhoe to see if there’s something beneath last,” Juanita says.

A news release announcing the study’s findings noted that the preliminary budget put forth last week by lawmakers in Austin eliminates nearly $1 out of every $4 the state needs to maintain services and schools at current levels.

“Hey,” she reasons, “if you’re gonna be last, you might as well go for broke because you ain’t got nothing to lose.  Texas Republicans are up to their eyeballs in callous.  As sure as grass will grow in a crack, Texas children will get the short end of the stick once again.  They are just one squealing penny away from repealing child labor laws.”

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