Yea Nancy

January 16, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so Nancy Pelosi asked Trump to move the State of the Union address because there’s a big ole CLOSED sign hanging on government doors, including the House.

While Pelosi’s letter is framed as a request to find a new date, the decision of when to host the President is very much up to the speaker of the House. The House and the Senate have to pass resolutions to actually green light the State of the Union. Neither have done so yet and Pelosi controls whether the House passes one at all.

Elections have consequences.  So does shutting down the government.

Poor ole Trump, that boy doesn’t know whether to scratch his watch or wind his ass.


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0 Comments to “Yea Nancy”

  1. Good for you, Nancy! I spent about an hour with a furloughed fed worker this morning. He is grateful that he is not as bad off as his associates inasmuch as he made some very solid investments early in his career. Also, his kids are finished with the college years. He also drove a cousin, furloughed as well, to the local supermarket and saw a line of furloughed people down the block around the corner, around the next corner, etc. He wasn’t born in time to see breadlines but this experience hit his hard just the same. If the Golden Grifter refuses to change the date, he simply cannot force himself into the House and televise his blabber to empty seats and a TV camera. No applause! That would never work for him. He could televise right from the White House and provide himself with a bunch of sycophants to manufacture applause, or as a previous president did long ago, write it out for publication. Still no applause. And again, good for you Nancy in denying the GG what he so much craves – standing ovations.

  2. Buttermilk Sky says:

    After whining on Twitter he’ll probably deliver his “speech” to one of those heartland hate rallies he loves so much. I predict blame for everyone but himself and chants of “Lock her up” directed at Speaker Pelosi. Who I totally adore.

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    WTG Speaker Pelosi! Another pump firmly planted where Dotard45 sits. In words maybe even Donnie can understand: “not in my House, moron.”

  4. Since he doesn’t read, she’ll follow with a very brief letter.

    Dear Mr. President:

    Don’t f*** with me. Nancy

  5. Check this out… Fake news or wishful hope?

  6. @megasoid: Oh, if only. I wish he’d get tired of playing with his blocks and go home.

  7. Linda Phipps says:

    McConnell spoke that her comment was “unbecoming”. Listen you malevolent slug, here’s your example of being “becoming” “He said, his number-one goal was to make sure that Barack Obama was … The timing of McConnell’s statement obviously makes a difference. ” (9/25/12 Washington post)

  8. Linda Phipps says:

    Correction, (since there’s no “edit”) … my bad it was Lucifer’s sidekick McCarthy said that about Pelosi.

  9. About time a gutsy woman put the Co-conspirator in his place.
    Keep it up Mrs. Pelosi, show him there’s a new sheriff in town.

  10. slipstream says:

    Submit the speech in writing?

    That would take a lot of crayons.

  11. Grandma Ada says:

    We’ve already heard his speech – just 144 characters at a time!

  12. Jane & PKM says:

    Old Scratch McConnell, either you seek 67 votes to re-open our government, or you are just as evil as the pResident. 2022, you MoFo, may the citizens of KY send your sorry carcass into ‘retirement,’ if Team Mueller doesn’t haul you away sooner.

  13. Katherine says:

    Question, when federal workers get their back pay, will they get interest on their money, or were they making an interest free loan to the government?

  14. Charles R Phillips says:

    The president is required to report to Congress each year on the state of the union. To do it in a joint session, with cabinet, and the supremes in attendance is a privilege Trump has not earned.

    As someone stated earlier in thread, he can do it in writing, as many presidents have done.

    When he starts acting like an American president, and not a russian vassal, maybe Nancy will let him have his pep rally in joint session. Until then, “Go f#ck yourself,” to quote Darth Cheney.

  15. I love Nancy. I need a hoodie with her on it.

  16. Way to go Nancy……showing the orange turd what a BOSS looks like.
