Y’all, They Know. They Know He’s Nuts.

March 05, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, Okay, after the whole snot-nosed hissy fit he pitched in the Oval Office and the Obama-tapped-his-wires episode, Trump has now decided that Congress must investigate any wild-ass paranoid scene-stealing dream he has.

But, here’s the deal:

Spicer announced in a statement that “neither the White House nor the President will comment further” until Congress investigates the explosive allegation as part of its existing probe into Russia’s interference in the election.

Well, I guess that’s an easy choice.  Congress refuses to investigate and Trump shuts up about his dreams.  Sounds like one of those win-win deals to me.

Then this morning, after Spicer decided to spend the morning getting right with his God after lying for Trump for six weeks, they send out the deputy press woman who says …

During an appearance Sunday on ABC’s “This Week,” White House deputy press secretary Sarah Sanders said that Trump “is going off of information that he’s saying has led him to believe that this is a very real potential.”

Oh Sean, take this woman with you next Sunday.  She’ll also have to get right with the grammar gods, the spin gods, the distance yourself gods, the three levels of denial gods, and the holy crap why did I let a man talk me into this god.

UPDATE:  I have just been told that Sarah Sanders is the daughter and former campaign manager of Mike Huckabee, the snake oil salesman preacher and former Arkansas governor.  So, Honey, she’s got a whole mess of god gettin’right with to do. I imagine that poor woman is done to her last diety, having already pissed the hell off with all the rest.


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0 Comments to “Y’all, They Know. They Know He’s Nuts.”

  1. Just spent the AM flicking between talking head shows. All on different networks but there was a general view that Trump is nothing less than self-combustable given his current state of mind. This is the first time I have ever encountered such agreement on TV.However, if he returns to private life now, he will always publicly lament that he was chased out of the White House. What is necessary to really keep him shut up in the future is some very real charges appearing very close to home, so close he will have to resign.

  2. fran Seyer says:

    You sound like you are back again, Miss Juanita Jean…..Good, we all need you healthy for the draining of the swamp that came in with dump.

  3. Marcia in CO says:

    Let him lament all he wants and, yes, if WE can chase his fat behind out of the White House … chase away!! Anyone with any sense at all will ignore his mewling because they know he’s as nutty as a jar of mixed nuts!!
    I’ll be totally shocked if he resigns … that would mean he’s a LOSER and, you know, TrumpleThinSkin cannot stand to lose … EVER!!

  4. maryelle says:

    I don’t see Trump giving up the power he wanted so badly. They’ll have to pry it out of his cold, dead, tiny hands.

  5. Dear Mr. President Trump,

    I’d suggest looking for Obama’s wire tapping equipment behind the false back hidden in his middle desk drawer. When you find it, it’ll be a two-fer, he keeps his Kenyan birth certificate back there too.

  6. two crows says:

    Here’s a bit of maybe, perhaps, good news?

    Stevie Bannon was kicked off Air Force One for the latest trip to Florida. His name was removed from the manifest for the planned trip with Sessions to try to fix the latest thing to step on 45’s speech.

    Little Stevie had to make his own arrangements to get down to Fla. Poor thing. So maybe [in fact, almost certainly, given his penchant for creating conspiracy theories out of whole cloth] HE was the one to lob the “Obama tapped my phones” hand grenade into 45’s lap where it promptly exploded — and now he’s in the dog house?

    Oh may those deities you referenced in your article make it so, JJ!

  7. e platypus onion says:

    Former Drumpf campaign manager Lewandowski accused Obama, without one iota of proof, of having wire tapped Sessions Senate office during Russian Ambassador’s meeting.

  8. JAKvirginia says:

    As usual, this “administration” has it backwards. No one illegally tapped anyone’s office or campaign. Our Intelligence people monitor activity from foreign governments daily. When there is heightened activity they pay attention. When that heightened activity is focused on one location in the U.S. they pay special attention, including when necessary and authorized by the courts, heightened monitoring of the U.S. person(s) being contacted. After 9/11, this is routine procedure. A truly qualified White House staff would know this. A truly qualified president would know this by making a simple phone call to the NSA.

    But when you have unqualified, ignorant, arrogant, paranoid losers in the White House who have it in their heads that they can do whatever they want, a tourist looking over the White House fence must seem like illegal surveillance. These people are nuts and a true danger to this nation.

  9. slipstream says:

    Yep, and while President Obama’s agents were listening to the wiretaps in Trump Tower, they discovered Trump’s master strategy:

    Daze and dizzy ’em
    Back since the days of old Methuselah
    Everyone loves the big bambooz-a-ler
    Give ’em the old three ring circus
    Stun and stagger ’em
    When you’re in trouble, go into your dance
    Though you are stiffer than a girder
    They’ll let you get away with murder
    Razzle dazzle ’em

  10. Old Fart says:

    OK. Here’s what I got…

    Via RawStory.com: Title: “‘I’m not Nostradamus here’: Man behind Trump’s wiretap claim says he can’t prove Obama did it”

    “Donald Trump is being attacked for [the accusations] he tweeted,” Levin said. “Donald Trump is the victim, his campaign is the victim, his transition team is the victim, his surrogates are the victim. These are police state tactics.”

    When pressed for details on President Obama’s personal involvement, Levin replied, “I’m not Nostradamus here.”

    The conspiracy theorist argued that any investigation against Trump would be unfair because Obama and Democrats had “squirreled their appointees into the bureaucracy.”

    On breitbart.com look for “Mark Levin to Congress: Investigate Obama’s ‘Silent Coup’ vs. Trump” (original 45’s source?).

    Looking at the Breitbart article, there a 10 topics listed. The 1st, 4th, and 6th are directly related to Obama’s administration. The 2nd and 3rd are about the Wikileaks releases. The 5th is about the Buzzfeed/CNN dossier. The 7th and 9th are reports from the NY Times, and the 10th is about an article by the WA Post. And the 8th is about the Flynn scandal.
    Of the Obama topics, the first is an initial (broad) FISA request that was turned down. The 4th is about a FISA request to look at connections between 45-to-be and Russian banks that is granted. Finally, the 6th is a sharing of collected information between the NSA and 16 other intelligence agencies.

    Of those topics directly related to Obama’s administration, the topics are related to *legal* steps taken to investigate the possibility of connections between 45-to-be’s organization/campaign and the Russians, and preserving the information collected to prevent 45’s being able to ”disappear” it. The rest are about News organizations, Flynn’s débâcle, and 45’s behaviour, himself.
    How does this equate to an illicit wiretapping? And why is the majority of the topics stuff that Obama had no control over, but was included to establish the questionable behaviour of 45’s campaign and administration with regards to Russia???
    How does this equate to police state tactics, when it is around *legal* investigations into 45’s questionable actions involving Russia?
    Don’t forget, the Obama admin. *did not* advertise their suspicions during the campaign. And, when the Obama admin. went to Congress to get joint approval of release of the information that had been gathered and was shut down *by McTurtle*, that information was *NOT* released as an official pronouncement by the White House. If we want to talk police state tactics, Obama would’ve been all over this in public… (Ultimately, I believe it was Dems in the Congress that broached this narrative.)

  11. JAKvirginia says:

    Slipstream! Lyrics from “Chicago”! Gotta love it. Who says there’s no truth in show business? Lately, it seems to be the only place to find it.

  12. I was disappointed that the WashPost had Donnie’s latest paranoid fantasy at the top of page 1, but they did mention twice in the earliest going that there was no evidence behind it.

    “Trump proclaims that Obama and Hillary Clinton are trying to control him by psycho-beams from Planet Zoltar in collusion with ISIS which they founded to destroy America.” Could we please not have a report on that next one, except from the doctors certifying that this moron has no business being anywhere near a rubber ball, much less the Oval Office?

  13. I’m pretty sure the only god these buys really worship is this guy:

  14. Lunargent says:

    Old Fart –

    Thanks for all your effort. But no way am I going to contaminate my brain by direct exposure to this swill. Thanks for taking such a hard hit for the team.

  15. L'Angelomisterioso says:

    @JJHOS OP-Any of the Hucksterbees, father(especially)or daughter are proof that the very best training ground for grifters, and con-artistes of all types is likely a seminary school and most likely a Southern Baptist seminary.

  16. Jane & PKM says:

    Head’s up in anticipation of Dolt45’s next twitter explosion. Donnie was crucified without the courtesy of lumber or lubricant by SNL. The SNL “Weekend Update” eviscerated the intestinal fortitude lacking ninny.


    Michael of SNL be prepared. President Obama may not be the only black guy in the cross-hairs of those short little vulgarian fingers this weekend. Kudos and a Badge of Honor, Michael.

  17. e platypus onion says:


    Roger Stone admits Drumpf campaign colluded with Russia during the campaign.

  18. Jane & PKM says:

    e platypus onion, Stone and the rest of the Dolt45 dummies have nary a clue about the inner-tubes. “Delete” doesn’t mean what they think it means.

    Vlad must be very disappointed with his purchases. When Vlad is unhappy, he at least is a man with a program capable of deleting offenders. Redux the Outlaw Jersey Whale as Donnie’s food tester. Gov Cartman is seriously addicted to free food. Small bites, Chris, small bites and please keep your big paws off Donnie’s fries.

  19. I saw her name listed as White House spokesperson Sarah Huckabee Sanders right after the inauguration, but they quickly dropped the Huck….can’t deflect attention from the Orangupus by reminding folks of real conservative Republicans and not the guy who only plays one on the teevee.

  20. I just learned from my little bride that Sarah Huckabee has reproduced three times. Sad.

  21. Is it a fact that collusion with Wikileaks = collusion with Russia? I mean, I know it and you all know it, but . . . is it enough to force Congress to select an independent prosecutor? Or push Wapo, NY Times or others to dig up every shred and scrap of dirt till the entire Orange Whore cabal is on their way to prison? Maybe the whole evil military/industrial/snacilbupeR complex can be brought crashing down around them?!?

    Okay, that last one was my favorite happy day dream. But a girl can dream, right?

  22. Jane & PKM says:

    Debbo, be happy and hang onto your dreams! As too slow as it might seem, journalists are finally garnering the second and third sources that allows them to publish what you and the WMDBS already knew.

    Tomorrow is Monday. Should be fun learning what new documents have found the way to Rachel Maddow’s desk. Hope it burns the stubs off the tiny little twitter fingers of the short fingered vulgarian, Orange Foolius.

    😀 Double dog dare anyone near Orange Foolius to inform him that he is source #2, while his bumbling staff often provide that third verification.

  23. e platypus onion says:

    Best Putin/Drumpf GIF ever


    Better than Hillary-ous.

  24. maryelle says:

    Oh, epo, you made my day!

  25. WA Skeptic says:

    I used to have some respect for Southern Baptist preachers, until I got to know one (a high school friend’s father) and heard him discuss ways to conceal money from the IRS (Hide it in the freezer under the pork chops. “Cold Cash” Heh heh)

    Then when I saw how he treated his own daughter when she got p.g. out of wedlock: forced her to marry the guy, then ignored the abuse when the unwilling hubby knocked her downstairs trying to get her to miscarry, then protested her getting a divorce because “what will people think of ME”, then badmouthed her when she had to get welfare to support herself and her baby.

    Spare me the Hypocrisy of Southern Baptists.

  26. Gail Kelly says:

    Will Use–Give ’em the old Razzle-Dazzle–thanks for reminder.
    Go into your dance–
