Y’all, They Know. They Know He’s Nuts.
Okay, Okay, after the whole snot-nosed hissy fit he pitched in the Oval Office and the Obama-tapped-his-wires episode, Trump has now decided that Congress must investigate any wild-ass paranoid scene-stealing dream he has.
But, here’s the deal:
Spicer announced in a statement that “neither the White House nor the President will comment further” until Congress investigates the explosive allegation as part of its existing probe into Russia’s interference in the election.
Well, I guess that’s an easy choice. Congress refuses to investigate and Trump shuts up about his dreams. Sounds like one of those win-win deals to me.
Then this morning, after Spicer decided to spend the morning getting right with his God after lying for Trump for six weeks, they send out the deputy press woman who says …
During an appearance Sunday on ABC’s “This Week,” White House deputy press secretary Sarah Sanders said that Trump “is going off of information that he’s saying has led him to believe that this is a very real potential.”
Oh Sean, take this woman with you next Sunday. She’ll also have to get right with the grammar gods, the spin gods, the distance yourself gods, the three levels of denial gods, and the holy crap why did I let a man talk me into this god.
UPDATE: I have just been told that Sarah Sanders is the daughter and former campaign manager of Mike Huckabee, the snake oil salesman preacher and former Arkansas governor. So, Honey, she’s got a whole mess of god gettin’right with to do. I imagine that poor woman is done to her last diety, having already pissed the hell off with all the rest.