Y’all, There’s Something Wrong With His Brain

November 19, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, Ben Carson isn’t real sure about them yankee fellas and has tried to move them to Canada.

His campaign tweeted a United States map with the states refusing Syrian refugees colored in red.  Ben said he “stands with” with Governors who are refusing refugees.

Then he re-arranged the states.

Yeah, he changed the map of the United States.


Screen Shot 2015-11-19 at 9.32.02 AM

Does he know something we don’t know?  Or does he just know nothing at all?

If you live in Maine, you might want to make sure you still do.


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0 Comments to “Y’all, There’s Something Wrong With His Brain”

  1. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Are there now six maritime provinces? That’s one way to get rid of Paul Le Peu; move his state.

  2. Carson, dammit, my cousins live in the area that your map has eaten up! Apologies are necessary to them and the entire country of Canada!

  3. Carson has better geographical advisors than the White House – so he really knows how they are laid out. Just another day in Ben’s alternative universe. The scary thing is that his base lives in that universe, too.

  4. l'angelomisterioso says:

    Compare the brain surgeon to Al Franken who can draw a reasonably accurate map of the country from memory
    I sometimes wonder whether Carson may have practised on himself

  5. Have any of you ladies or gay men taken a look at Canada’s new PM? Might not be such a bad move….

    Here’s a gallery of bad maps. I especially like the one that uses flag colors and shows the stars and stripes all over Mexico, Canada, Greenland, and the Caribbean. I’m sure the indication that Japan owns Korea was also popular.


  6. Being educated and being intelligent are obviously two very different things.

  7. Rhea, agree on the new PM of Canada. Not only is he good-looking – but he has a good brain. No longer will scientists be censored there. He’s for legalization of cannabis. Doesn’t tolerate intolerance.

  8. That Other Jean says:

    Add geography to the loooooooong list of things Ben Carson doesn’t know diddly about.

  9. Don’t try and put a jigsaw puzzle together with Ben, they never end up in a rectangular shape. It’s the one and only time you’ll get to use it too, after he mashes down all the tabs and outies.

  10. Rick, I find a hammer is an indispensable tool for putting together a jigsaw puzzle and apparently Ben does too. On the other hand, as a kid I had a US States puzzle and I was able to do it correctly.

  11. Terrifying that he is still so widely supported by God’s. Own. Proctologists.

    I’m one of those people whom Carson moved to Canada. Must be wishful thinking.

  12. Where on earth did Carson get this map? Is someone on his campaign deliberately sabotaging him? I mean, this map would not normally be available because it’s not real.

  13. His latest mind boggling “I can’t believe you said that” was comparing the Syrian refugees to rabid dogs.

  14. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    I’m trying to figure out how this happened. My guess is that someone was using a map where each state is represented as a distinct polygon. After selecting the New England states and clicking whatever control turned them red, someone must have accidentally clicked the one that moves them all into contact with each other. And didn’t notice.

  15. Marge Wood says:

    Who knows.

  16. daChipster says:

    Oh, Canaduh!

  17. I see Vermont got a coastline. Meanwhile it appears Quebec City got squished and the St Lawrence River, gateway to the Great Lakes, is buried. There goes a whole lot of commerce to the Midwest U.S., Quebec, and Ontario.

  18. Linda Phipps says:

    Presently this befuddled goof is “boning up” on foreign policy. If he adds geography to his CV, he would even be more confused. Spouse knows a retired US general who didn’t know where Belgium is, and furthermore thought England was “attached” to France. The stupid runs deep wide and old.

  19. Carson, cheese louise, what have you done with all my relatives that live in that part of Canada just north of that there border? Dammit! You need to apologize to them and the rest of Canada!
