Y’all Some Idiots

April 16, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

This is a picture of Sparrow Hospital.  Trump supporters are blockading the entrance to a Level 1 Trauma Center in Lansing Michigan because they’re mad they can’t go boating or buy lawn fertilizer. What kind of monster does it take to do that?



This is a hospital worker from Sparrow Hospital who cannot get to work today.  Be sure to watch until the end so you can see a few Republicans they interview.  (You may see a pop-up asking if Facebook can put cookies on your website.  Don’t either one.  After the video, click Don’t Allow.)




Now I know for sure that I am on the side of the angels.  The angels are asking, Y’all some idiots?


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0 Comments to “Y’all Some Idiots”

  1. megasoid says:

    In a hospital zone? Warum die Polizei? Where are the flying unemptied bedpans on the patriot porkers and their vehicles?

  2. treehugger says:

    No words. It appears their parents did not pound it into the heads of these people, like they pounded it into mine that you absolutely have no right to do whatever you damn well please in this world. Living in Amerka does not give you the right to endanger others, create chaos and undermine the safety of rest of us. God forgive me, it makes me wish in the darkest parts of my heart that they and their loved ones will be the ones needing the services of this hospital. And if so, the hospital could say, oh yeah, I saw your sorry ass out honking and waving flags and yelling blocking the way for workers to come in and do their jobs. Go somewhere else for your healthcare and good f-ing luck. Forgive me for these thoughts, Lord.

  3. charles phillips says:

    If I were sheriff, I’d show up with 10 deputies and at least that many tow trucks. Screw those idiots.

  4. Grandma Ada says:

    They will be the first to scream when their mom gets it. And they shouldn’t be so nonchalant about getting it themselves. WaPo had a long article yesterday about how it’s not just the lungs that have lasting damage but also kidneys and the heart. They may be young, but it just gives them longer in dialysis or hoping for a new kidney that’s not damaged from this virus.

  5. I didn’t watch the interviews with republicans because I am not giving those drooling monsters one tiny speck of attention.

    The morons couldn’t even spell Governor Whitmer’s name right.

    She is doing a great job for our state no matter what those greedy, self-centered dolts say,

  6. slipstream says:

    31,000 dead. And these idiots are volunteering to join them.

  7. Isn’t obstructing emergency health care workers illegal?

    If my relative died for lack of healthcare service caused by these people I would definitely fund a lawsuit for wrongful death.

  8. Hit the button too soon.

    What I also meant to say: If Mr. Smith was blocked from entering the hospital did he call 911? And if he did what happened then?

  9. Sparrow’s Hermann Cancer Center is across the street from the main hospital (photo was taken from there). Some of the chemotherapy patients were unable to make it to the Cancer Center because of the jammed roads and had to cancel their appointments. And bSparrow is about 8 blocks east of the Capitol building. In addition, these fools were honking their horns for several hours, which I’m sure was quite restful for the seriously ill patients. Those protestors are jerks and fools. They really made our lovely state look bad. They must be so proud of themselves.

  10. One knows if this was a picture of Blacks and allies blockadeing a kkk meeting or hispanics and their allies blockading an ICE detention sitethat the cops would be out in force with swap teams and tanks, just like Fergusan Missouri and all to many other examples.
    But since these are armed whack-a-doodles are caucasion there is obviously no reason for police to enforce the law.

  11. “What kind of monster does it take to do that?” tRumpers

  12. Teh Gerg says:

    Yea, verily, wherever thou shalt go,
    Whatever thou shalt do
    There shall be dumbasses.

  13. A D7 Cat would have made short work of that truck and trailer.

  14. Robert McClellan says:

    Acyn Torabi @Acyn
    · 9h Dr. Phil appears on Laura Ingraham and says we don’t shut the country down for automobile deaths, cigarette related deaths, and swimming pool deaths.

    You notice none of these clowns ever mention gun related deaths.

  15. I am so steamed I can hardly see straight. I have family and freinds in Michigan. None of them Trumpers. I am especially freaked out about the MAGA guy who basically thought that not enough people had died to make a self isolation program valid. Think aobut that! Too few people have died! Just exactly how many should die – according to him – to make such a protective program valid? And exactly who should they be. BLEEP ALL HELL BLEEP!!! That is Satanic thinking! All because of what he wants out of life, isolated or not! And STOOOOPID to boot! Because of his disdain for self protection or the protection of anyone else, two things are more certain to happen: 1. He gets the COVID-19 and can’t figure out why he has been told to stay home and take Tylenol while other vicitms sre hospitalized (so they can get oxygen); and here’s #2: he gets tested and is found to be an unsystematic CARRIER who is infecting everyone around him and gets a type of isolation he never knew existed! Remember Typhoid Mary? She was a carrier and ended her days out on an island off New YOrk City cleaning a laboratory. The typhoid survivors thought that was way to good for her.

    HuffPost carried an excellent article on how things are gong in Detroit in the various hospitals. Read it only if you have a good grip on yourselves. No wonder the Governor is so strict!

  16. There has been some discussion of issuing documents certifying post infection individuals to facilitate opening the economy. It would be like having a ‘veteran’ notation on your drivers license (a Thing in Texas). Some benefits accrue to those notations.

    How about a “Lemming” notation or certification for these folks? Benefits would be easier entrance to groups of like minded folks.

    The upside would be time savings when triaging these folks at the hospital entrance.

  17. thatotherjean says:

    This is what you get when you’re so deluded that you believe every word that dribbles out of Trump’s mouth. These people don’t believe that COVID-19 warrants “stay at home” orders, no matter what the smart people say, because they believe what the President of the United States is telling them. For that alone, he deserves to be removed from office, because some of those believers are going to die from that belief.
