Y’all, She’s a Special Needs Former Governor

January 12, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


“I want y’all to feel bad for Sarah Palin,” Juanita announced to the crowd at the beauty shop this afternoon.

“Think about the level of stoopidity it takes to use the term ‘blood liable’ when talking about a Jewish congresswoman being shot point blank in the head after Sarah put a target on her,” Juanita stands in amazement.  “Even NASA scientists can’t measure anything that big.”

“And then, shock of all shocks, Pat Buchanan defends Palin.  Hey Jimmie Olson, when you’re looking for someone to explain the meaning of terminology used against Jews, Pat Buchanan might not be the balanced expert you want to talk to.”

“Look, Missy Sarah, there is a woman struggling for her life after being shot point blank in the head after you put a target on her, and you think you’re the victim?  What the hell is wrong with you, woman? I’ve got a dog smarter than that,” Juanita stomps.

“That,” she concludes, “is a very special kind of dumb.”

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