Y’all, Seriously, What’s The Deal With Arizona? Are They Like the New Mississippi?

June 20, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I have to admit that I am a bit humbled by Arizona.  I thought I lived in the craziest state, but these Arizonians make us look downright open minded.

Get this woman:

Conservative Arizona radio personality Barbara Espinosa is standing by her statement that President Barack Obama is a “monkey” and that she voted for “the white guy.”

“I call him a monkey,” Espinosa recently told a guest on her KNFX radio show. “I don’t call him a guy with rabbit ears, I call him a monkey.”

“And I don’t believe in calling him the first black president,” she added. “I voted for the white guy myself!”

Then she defends her statements by saying (1) she has first amendment rights, and (2) her last name is Espinosa so she could not possibly in any way shape or form whatsoever in any way possible never ever be a racist.

Barbara Esponosa: NOT a racist. We know that because she says so.

First off, of course you have first amendment rights.  You can say whatever you want to.  You can spout crazy crap on a street corner while wearing a toga and a pirate hat.  You have an absolute right to make a damfool of yourself.  I won’t stand in the way.  I will point and giggle, but I will not stop you.

Second off, wtf?  You don’t think Hispanics can be racist?  I guess that means Germans can’t be racist?  Babe, go back to the toga and pirate hat because that  makes you look smarter.

If anybody finds out exactly when the zombies evaded Arizona, please let me know.  I really should be informed of these things.

Thanks to Brian for the heads-up.

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0 Comments to “Y’all, Seriously, What’s The Deal With Arizona? Are They Like the New Mississippi?”

  1. Katherine Baldwin says:

    So, she isn’t racist, but she can’t even recall John McCain’s name? She just “voted for the white guy” because he was a lovelier shade of whiter than Obama? Wow, we can save a lot of money printing ballots if we just make it easy for these folks and print “Vote for one: white guy…. not white guy……

  2. A Jan Brewer wannabe. Disgusting people.

  3. So the ears were the reason for the name calling? And what did she call Ross (I’m all Ears!) Perot??

  4. She’s just an old pendeja.

  5. Bo Leeyeau says:

    The boss wants ratings.

    Like Juanita says, they can’t call him the “N” word so they call him a Muslim. This is just a new “N” word………..well, not exactly new.

  6. Bo Leeyeau says:



  7. OldMayfly says:

    “Radio personality”–that figures. I can’t see her making it on television–she’s scary-looking. Sounds crazy, looks mean.

  8. Uncle Dave says:

    The more I am exposed to Tea-bag Republicans the more I appreciate Nixon. While Nixon famously said that he was not a crook, this current gaggle of GOPs repeatedly deny they are racists. Somehow they manage to seem even less sincere than Tricky Dick appeared. They remind me of the rednecks displaying confederate battle flags protesting its all about tradition and not hate. Those crackers are only lying to themselves. Their symbol of tradition was the banner of sedition, first unfurled in the defense of slavery, and it remains the symbol of hate. As for their assurances they are not racisits, history will weigh what they do rather than what they say.

  9. I’m a Black American, and I want folks like Espinosa to keep shooting off their mouths. I wouldn’t dare ask her to stop. I grew up under segregation, and I’ve been exposed to so many people like Espinosa that I’ve developed quite a thick skin in 50+ years of living in the South. I want Americans to be exposed to these kinds of people because I think many Americans have been thinking that since the election of PBO, America entered a post racial era. Racism never died. It only took a covert form—until the election of Barack Obama. I think a major reason it was allowed to re-emerge in an overt way is because of the GOP’s acceptance of white supremacists within its’ ranks. America’s demographics are changing rapidly, and there’s nothing the GOP can do except ramp up the hatred against those whom their members consider less human than they are. I think this has been a major factor that has allowed people like Espinosa to refer to the POTUS as a monkey, a group of republicans in CA to portray the WH with a row of watermelons in front of it, and others to label a bullet-riddled outhouse “The Obama Presidential Library.” May God help them.

  10. I swear — Arizona is just gonna’ hate itself right off the map!

  11. Jerry C. says:

    What majii said! I have an aunt by marriage whom I had to reluctantly block on Facebook this week. On personal topics (family etc.) she is as sweet and generous as can be while following her version of the golden rule. We first fell out over the nonsense and disinformation she was dispensing about school prayer a number of years ago but sort of made peace (I won’t talk about if you won’t talk about) on that issue. Well, last year she and my uncle moved from the San Diego area to (wait for it) ARIZONA and I am suddenly deluged with vicious anti-Obama postings and cartoons. Since Arizona is mostly desert it can’t be something in the water, must be a localized virus.

  12. Arizona, giving new meaning to the phrase bat shit crazy, since the Zombie Apocalypse!

    I have been to Arizona, they have a lot of rocks there, perhaps she should crawl back under one?

  13. BarbinDC says:

    I Second what majii said! Let me just point, though, that the craziest Arizonans all seem to be rather old people (with the exception of that young fool, Ben Quayle–and look who is Daddy is!), meaning they are dying out. The younger generation is just not buying their BS. That’s the only silver lining I can see in this mess.

  14. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    It is so tiresome to hear people like this blabber on about their 1st Amendment rights. Yes, neither the United States nor any of the States can pass a law that makes her STFU and stop talking drivel. Neither can either the US nor AZ stop any newspaper from printing her ravings. But the owner of the radio station could stop her and the publisher of a newspaper could stop her. But of course they won’t because crazzy-arsed bat-poop babblers like this one draw attention and audiences and that increases the rates they can charge their advertisers. (See Also: What passes for news on CBS/ABC/NBC/etc.)

  15. ks sunflower says:

    I feel so sorry for any good, sane, reasonable people who are trapped in Arizona. The crazoids are capturing all the attention – but the good folks must start standing up against them, even if means the wacko Sheriff of Maricopa County comes after them.

    Arizona has become the latest and most disturbing laughingstock of our United States. That’s saying something for a Kansan whose own state held that title because of once GOP-dominated State Board of Education.

    BTW, surnames aside, doesn’t this blonde, pale-skinned woman think she deserves any blowback at all for her comments. Gosh, I wonder if her little eyes behind those very big glasses are blue. Blonde, blue, pale skin – hmm, yeah, she’s right, ahem, no chance she’d be racist against blacks, no chance at all. Uh-huh.

    Note: I want to thank everyone who points out that racism is not limited to whites. Every racial group seems to have a bias. Our daughter is in China. She says the Chinese go mad against the Japanese and blacks. Racism is just unfounded suspicion of and hatred towards “the other” usually based on skin color – but not necessarily limited to it.

  16. 1toughlady says:

    The CDC really needs to do an investigation of Arizona to see whether they can isolate the virus contaminating their brains.

  17. The head of the Arizona Republican Party was on the air with this idiot when she made these comments. http://thinkprogress.org/politics/2012/06/20/502736/tom-morrissey-says-nothing-monkey-comment/ After hearing these comments, the head of the Arizona GOP did nothing and in effect endorsed this racism

  18. @ ks sunflower: Espinoza is white. We heard this same argument used in defense of George Zimmerman – that he could not possibly be racist because he is Latino. Latina/o is not a race, but an ethnicity. There are black and white Latinos.

  19. Zombies are not invading Arizona. Zombies want brains.

  20. Since Espinosa is the one throwing feces I would say that she is the monkey.

  21. Lorinda Pike says:

    I am so thankful for Arizona, as I live (exist?) in Mississippi. At least for this week we are not the most deep-dipped, card-carrying, bat-guano-crazy cradle of racism in this country…

    And I heartily agree with what majii said… let ’em keep talking. Haul all that crap right out in the open for everyone to see. Make them own it. The more blatantly bigoted they look, the better!

  22. Corinne Sabo says:

    Remember Invasion of the Body Snatchers? That’s Arizona.

  23. innerlooper says:

    As a past photographer what i could do in the darkroom pales to the tomfoolery of digitization nowadays. Too quick to run thru [checkers], but the audio isn’t cleanly smoothed. Trust me they’ll get better. Being a white hat Tx’n is gettin more frustratin

  24. I listened to a bit of this until I got the heaves and had to quit. It’s the racist bumper sticker all over again– what’s most disgusting is that they get PAID for this garbage by enough other people to make it worthwhile to keep spouting in public.

    It was a caller to the radio show who said he called Obama Big Ears or something like that. Honestly, if you want to see big ears, check out some old white men. LBJ, for pete’s sake. They can’t even be accurately racist.

  25. John Peter Henson says:

    LynnN says:
    June 20, 2012 at 2:35 pm
    Zombies are not invading Arizona. Zombies want brains.

    Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha……dang….wet myself

  26. Freeportguy says:

    You have to love the fact that conservatives are finally dropping the masks to display in broad day light their TRUE and REAL nature: shameless greedy bigots, racists, xenophobes, sexists, lying bastards, and those apply on a GOOD day.
