Y’all Need to Make Up Your Minds

October 14, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Alt-Right Racists, Alternative Facts, SCOTUS

I remember, back in the Old Timey Days (2016) when Dems were latté sipping, limp-wristed pantywaists who couldn’t be trusted with national security.  Now they’re an angry mob wanting to destroy America.  Two weeks ago, Americans, lead by victims of sexual assault stood up and said no to Republicans’ attempt to put a clearly unqualified nominees on the Supreme Court.  They were shocked when that pissed off millions of people.  Their response?  Vote for that nominee anyway, then get all sniffy about being called out for it.

So, to be clear: Republicans say that they should be able to bend or break any rule, ram through votes without investigations or protections for the minority, and should be able to pass any law to suppress those not in power.  Period.  They do that because the Dems are feckless sissies deserving of derision.  However, if said sissies dare stand up and say “Wait a Minute,” or try to stop the Repubs, they are then magically transformed into an “angry mob”.

For the record, here’s what the Kavanaugh protests looked like:

And here’s what an actual angry mob looks like:



Hey, GOP, y’all need to make up your minds.  Oh, and go buy a mirror, hang it on the wall, and look into it.  There you will see your angry mob.

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0 Comments to “Y’all Need to Make Up Your Minds”

  1. Oh, well, the difference is easy to see: “angry” now means “opposed to Trump and/or his minions.” Nothing else matters.

  2. Marcia in CO says:

    Once in a great while, I actually agree with you … this is one of those times! 🙂

  3. Rule #1: If Republicans are going on about something, they’re projecting.
    Rule #2: When in doubt, go back to rule number 1.

  4. Thank you, El Jefe, for putting it so succinctly and proving it with actual photos of the real mob. Another pic of the far-right Proud
    Boys and skin heads kicking the s**t out of anti-fascist protestors in New York recently would bolster the truth, not to mention the attacks at some of Dump’s rallies, egged on by the Bully-In-Chief. This is the upside down, lies-are-truth world of Dump. I can feel my blood boiling.

  5. Could not for the life of me understand what the R’s were saying when they declared numbers of greatly harmed women insisting on justice to be MOBS as in the criminal sense of the word such as the Capone mob, etc. Every time some R brought up that subject all I could see behind my old eyes was a shrill, illogical immoral con man egging on his latest MEGA mob, who are referred to as his “supporters’ or his “base”. Base they and he are in the full definition of the word. I can now only appreciate even more what my grandmother experienced when she insisted on the right to vote and my mother, who as a little girl, marched with other children from “separate” schools against the KKK – in Michigan.

  6. Amen! Just last night when praises were heaped on the woman posing as FLOTUS I compared the reaction of the conservatives toward her to those of Hillary. Hillary was a terrible person because she stuck by her husband. This creature is just fine accepting and staying the cheating orange slug. Your examples and this one added show what hypocrites these people are. I am so sick of them.

  7. @Karen:

    It’s probably written somewhere in the NDA prenup she signed that she will be silent about his cheating, she will be silent on her real opinions and feelings. For that she gets lots of diamond bling and trips to Africa.

  8. Lunargent says:

    Oh, right. They’re the orderly, peaceable folk who open carry their assault rifles, sucker punch a protester being escorted out of a rally, and, as shown above, carry torches while spewing Nazi slogans. Not to mention that whole vehicular homicide thing.

    We show up with pussyhats, kids in face paint, and some really scathing puns on the signs. Some of our members inconvenienced the staff and capitol police when they arrived in their wheelchairs, in a selfish plot to retain the medical care they need to survive. And of course, all those women yelling to get white haired male Senators’ attention can be pretty shrill.


    Admittedly, there were a couple of legit left wing mobs recently. They pulled down a couple of Confederate statues. So yeah, vandalism and destruction of property. But AFAIK, no actual humans were harmed.

  9. At the original Women’s March in D.C. all of us revolutionaries (I was 79 then) came armed to the teeth with bread to share, hats to wear. The police were so terrified of us they stood with arms folded when we came by, or offered us terrorist high fives. It was an extremely dangerous show of love. We came prepared to go to jail and had a party. Subversive!

  10. Sounds like a plan from a conservative think tank:

    1) Create and encourage crowd based protests for your base to engage in, causing semi-violent and violent behavior. Describe them as good people, expressing their God given, God fearing 1st Amendment rights
    2) When Democrats, liberals, and Satan worshipping socialists gather in a group, call them a mob, something already thrust into the public mind by your minions, which is OK if it’s your team, but to be feared if it’s the “other” side

  11. Considering how often Rs rush around shrieking “the sky is falling, the sky is falling!”, I can’t believe how these Chicken Littles on speed maintained their rep as tough guys for so long.
