Y’all Need to Make Up Your Minds

October 14, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Alt-Right Racists, Alternative Facts, SCOTUS

I remember, back in the Old Timey Days (2016) when Dems were latté sipping, limp-wristed pantywaists who couldn’t be trusted with national security.  Now they’re an angry mob wanting to destroy America.  Two weeks ago, Americans, lead by victims of sexual assault stood up and said no to Republicans’ attempt to put a clearly unqualified nominees on the Supreme Court.  They were shocked when that pissed off millions of people.  Their response?  Vote for that nominee anyway, then get all sniffy about being called out for it.

So, to be clear: Republicans say that they should be able to bend or break any rule, ram through votes without investigations or protections for the minority, and should be able to pass any law to suppress those not in power.  Period.  They do that because the Dems are feckless sissies deserving of derision.  However, if said sissies dare stand up and say “Wait a Minute,” or try to stop the Repubs, they are then magically transformed into an “angry mob”.

For the record, here’s what the Kavanaugh protests looked like:

And here’s what an actual angry mob looks like:



Hey, GOP, y’all need to make up your minds.  Oh, and go buy a mirror, hang it on the wall, and look into it.  There you will see your angry mob.

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