Y’all, Miz Lindsey Is All A’Buzzing

October 26, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Miz Lindsey was on Morning Joe and had this summation of the Republican race.

“On our side, you’ve got the No. 2 guy tried to kill someone at 14 and the No. 1 guy is high energy and crazy as hell,” Graham said. “How am I losing to these people? Just look at Donald Trump’s foreign policy. What is it? What’s he going to do about ISIL? What is it? What is it? What is his game plan to destroy ISIL? Does anybody know?”

Yeah, that’s how it is.

Last night, I was discussing this with a friend who is just certain that all this is a big show to give Mitt Romney an opening.

If it is, he’ll have to rise up out of the rubble pretty damn soon or they will have to use a tea strainer to find chunks of the Republican Party.


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0 Comments to “Y’all, Miz Lindsey Is All A’Buzzing”

  1. Graham is asking the wrong question.

    He should be asking what it is about him that makes people think he’s a worse choice for President than a guy who tried to kill someone at 14 or a guy who is crazy as hell.

  2. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    So sad for the Republicons, when Lindsey is the relatively sane one in the Klown Kar. He must be severely butt hurt over his poll numbers.

    $RMoney deferred to Jeb(?), so it’s unlikely he can surmount his gratuitous 47% remark or an onslaught from T-Rump calling him the biggest loser.

  3. Re Romney, it is possible he wouldn’t have to run. There are a lot of candidates and the primary might end in a brokered convention. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brokered_convention)

    If this Repub primary follows the 2012 pattern of one crazy replacing another for the lead every few weeks, that could happen.

  4. WA Skeptic says:

    Does anyone remember the history of the Republican party that included Theodore Roosevelt? Abraham Lincoln?

    How sad.

  5. Now that former comedian Jimmy Morales has ridden a tide of voter frustration to win Guatemala’s presidency, it remained unclear Monday about what the political neophyte might do once in office.

    So far he’s given few clues, beyond hinting at reviving a dormant border dispute with neighboring Belize, or attaching GPS locating devices to teachers to ensure they’re in class.


    [Previous president resigned in corruption scandal.]

    I’m hoping that Guatemalan voters are crazier than ours, but I have nothing on which to base that.

  6. Personally I hope rMoney somehow sneaks into the 2016 GOP nomination. The Dem candidate beat him like a rented mule the time before. Nothing like recycling a loser to show the electorate the depth of your seriousness.

  7. ‘Rented mule’. That’s about as good a description of Lyin’ Lindsey as I’ve seen.

  8. JAKvirginia says:

    Right now, EVERY Republican candidate is coyote ugly.

  9. WA Skeptic, I think it was GOP power Mark Harmon who said, after William McKinley was shot, “Now look– that damned cowboy is President!”

    I know how he felt. I said the same thing in November 1980. I said it again in 2000, with even more disbelief.

  10. Will the last sane Republican turn out the lights before leaving?
    Honestly, is there anybody with a brain left? And I don’t just mean candidates.

  11. Ralph Wiggam says:

    I know Trump’s plan to destroy ISIL. He will join them and run for president. There’s no way any party could survive that.

  12. Okay that last sentence of your post totally wins the Internet Tubes. Perfectly awesome 🙂

  13. Hmmm. Is this what Mormons mean by “eternal perspective”? Picking the right moment in the explosion of the RWNJ known kar to weasel their boy in?

  14. okie-dokie says:

    Miz Lindsey figured part of it, bless his heart. Someone needs to talk him through the rest of it.

  15. Marge Wood says:

    Laughing. Lindsey needs to listen to Carson without paying much attention to what he’s saying. Carson is nice and polite and has a mesmerizing voice and if you’re fixing supper or doing laundry, you might miss a couple of words here and there.
    Speaking of words, I’m gonna segue to Proposition 1 and 7, amendments to the Texas Constitution, which gets amended more often than some people change their socks. Do you want the Constitution to say we are gonna take a few million or bilion dollars from the money pot and spend it on roads and the schools and colleges won’t miss it a bit? I still gotta vote.

  16. Irish in S.C. says:

    Here in S.C. we don’t tell Ms. Lindsey why he is losing to those guys. We just try to keep it that way.

  17. I still can’t figure out how graham keeps getting re-elected, given the mindset of the average voter in SC. heck, maybe he has pictures of all of them?
