Y’all, It’s Officially a Thing

April 30, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, this thing that the military calls “training exercises” named Jade Helm and has turned out to be a thinly veiled attempt by Barack Obama to gather intelligence on US citizens and haul us all away for indoctrination at abandoned WalMarts with tunnels underground going from one to another and they will then take away our guns and probably make us all black, gay, and Muslim is a real thing in Texas.

First we have the Governor having the Texas Guard oversee all this because the Governor says respects the military, and, yeah, it shows.

It’s even on the front page above the fold of the Houston Chronicle.


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And now – ta da!- it’s a real thing.

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) said in a recent interview that he’d “look at” a planned U.S. military training exercise that conspiracy theorists believe may be a cover for the implementation of martial law.

Oh well, if we have Greg Abbott and Rand Paul looking into this, it’s a damn thing.

Thanks to Kyle for the heads up.

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