Y’all, I Think Maybe I’m a Whore and I Know For a Fact That Thelma Is.

May 05, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

There’s this certified pastor in Arizona named Steven Anderson who has this woman-thing all figured out.

Arizona Pastor Steven Anderson warned his congregation recently that birth control was not only turning women into “whores,” it was also destroying the country.

He knows about Thelma, huh?  Thelma practices birth control with her husband Junior Janochek, Jr.  One Junior Janochek III is all the world needs.  Birth control did not necessarily turn her into a whore but it did, in fact, turn her into a hairdresser after Junior III started school was got on somebody else’s last nerve during the day.

Pastor Anderson

Pastor Anderson

The preaching continues …

“Not only does birth control do damage to women, it hurts their body if they’re using the pills. And it also affects their character, causing them to be an idle, tattler, gossip, turning aside after Satan,” he insisted.

Women would “get into sin” if they were not “busy” raising children, Anderson said.

Oh my goodness, now he’s preaching about me.

If not having children at home to take care of means I’m a whore, then I gotta tell y’all something – whoredom ain’t all it’s cracked up to be.

Thanks to Marge for the heads up.


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0 Comments to “Y’all, I Think Maybe I’m a Whore and I Know For a Fact That Thelma Is.”

  1. Deacon Blue says:

    “Who the Hell hires them?” You answer your own question…there’s only one employer in Hell.

  2. June Bug says:

    Next thing you know, he and his ilk will remember the witch trials and get busy. They’re just a few steps away.
