Y’all, He’s from Texas. He Can’t Count Real Good.

December 06, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I want y’all to meet Jeb Hensarling, a Republican congressman from the Texas 5th congressional district.  He ain’t terribly bright so that’s probably why you’ve never heard of him.

What, Me Worry Hensarling

Well, Jeb tried to take on Soledad O’Brien while she was committing journalism.  First  off, Jeb could not for the life of himself explain in simple English why he was against a tax cut for the middle class and why he wouldn’t go along on raising taxes on the richest 2%.

Soledad pointed out that was President Obama’s platform and he got elected on that platform and so maybe that’s what the people want.

Ole Jeb got his feathers ruffled up  on that one and spouted off ….

HENSARLING: The President won 51-49. He has an electoral college victory. It’s good enough to get him re-elected but not enough to give him a mandate.

Where did this 51-49 come from?

Ya know, as I recall, Obama’s victory was much larger than Dubya’s but Jeb thought Dubya had a mandate.  Maybe that was only in Texas.

Thanks to Carl for the heads up.

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