Y’all, He’s Drunk Again

August 07, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I want y’all to watch this video and tell me if this man could possibly be sober.

(Oops, maybe I was drunk. I had the wrong link.)

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0 Comments to “Y’all, He’s Drunk Again”

  1. JJ, the link isn’t to a video.

  2. Marge Wood says:

    What I said. No video.

  3. BarbinDC says:

    Yup. Bad link.

  4. SomedayGirl says:

    I think we’re experiencing the learning curve along with Susan. lol

  5. Juanita Jean says:

    I fixed it. oops.

  6. maryelle says:

    Somebody must have told him he’d LOOK
    smart wearing those glasses. He bungled just about every line of his speech and then the Florida gaffe…When someone corrected him, he pretended he’d said Louisiana which made that REPUBLICAN audience laugh hysterically.
    Was it drink or just plain stupidity? Probably both.

  7. BarbinDC says:

    Nah, he’s not drunk just his usual STOOPID. As Judge Judy titled her book, Beauty is Skin Deep–Stupid is Forever. Run, Rick, Run!

  8. No, you were’t drunk, JJ. I think he had a late night on Bourbon St. Someone probably told him he was in Florida & that stuck with him till the next day. When he said he belongs to the “sympathetic” party, that’s when I turned him off. Is his hair getting blacker as he ages, or am I just seeing things? Gawd, I hope he hasn’t found that miracle anti-aging drug.

  9. He reminds me of my grade school students when they’re doing the potty dance. He’s squirming around so much that its distracting to watch.

  10. Litlhorn says:

    His Aunt Sis needs to stay out of her Carpet bag and quit giving him those 5 year old Oxy’s. They’ll get ya every time Rickie…. Teehee

  11. What a fricken idiot he is…

  12. JAKvirginia says:

    OK. Being the charitable woman you are (!) you surmise he might be drunk. Al’righty. Now, just for yuks, let’s assume he’s not. Scary, huh!?

    Makes you wish he’d ‘pull-a-Palin’ and quit now, doesn’t it? Ah, well….

  13. RepubAnon says:

    Is it me, or is he trying for the Clark Kent look? I keep expecting him to whip off the glasses and tear open his shirt to reveal the big “S” underneath.

    Too bad it’s S for Stupidman.

  14. He said that Texas grows by 1000 people a day, because people know they can come to Texas and make a success of themselves. Does he know what percentage of those people are undocumented?

    RepubAnon, more like Clark Kent’s dimwitted brother. I think the S is for Sorryexcuse.

  15. If he were drunk then he could sober up. So drunk would be an improvement.

  16. Ralph Wiggam says:

    If he is not drunk, he is giving sober people a bad reputation.

  17. irene dwyer says:

    The former speech teacher in me wanted to scream “…look at your audience!”
    I’d estimate he was reading his speech–face directed at podium–about 75% of the time which makes sense when you realize that as soon as he went off book he made a colossal error.
    And how about we compare and contrast Perry’s woodenness with Santorum’s performance-art-stream-of-consciousness appearance yesterday?
    I’ve had engineering majors who hated my course and only took it because it was required who did better.

  18. Aggieland liz says:

    @RepubAnon, that was EXACTLY what I asked my husband, “Who does he think he is, Clark Kent?!” Mike thinks it’s his “professorial look” so he can come back to roost in Aggieland as Uni Pres, Bowen Loftin having conveniently retired to go back to teaching just at the time Rick-boy was telling us he was finally tired of the governor’s mansion or mcMansion or wherever we’re putting his sorry self up these days.

    Wonder if he’ll still want to be Pres when Johnny “I’m too sexy to behave” Manziel gets what’s coming to him and Kevin Sumlin gratefully moves on to coach in the NFL where the adults play ball? Of course, Perry can still work on kicking women out again and getting rid of all the librul (decent!) professors and just basically returning TAMU to the Stone Age! World class university? How bout world class idiocy? LARGE heavy sigh…

  19. mike from iowa says:

    Rilly surprised that his audience paid enuf attention to know when he erred. Rumor has it Perry stopped using greasy kids stuff tar sands oil on his hair and is now using tar which could explain the darker color, explains why no intelligence gets in or out of his brain and could explain why Texas doesn’t want to fix roads and are peeling up blacktops. Strictly rumor,y’hear.

  20. Marge Wood says:

    You’re right, Irene. Reading a speech is pretty bad for someone who’s been governor as long as he has. And I guess with them big glasses on he won’t be much of a shoo in for a truck driver.

  21. SteveTheReturned says:

    Drunk or off his meds. Either way, he continues to be a colossal, daily embarrassment to my beloved state.

  22. President Perry: “Call the Joint Chiefs and tell them to bomb Israel!”
    Aide: “Uh, sir, don’t you mean Iran?”
    President Perry: “I’m the president! Do what I say, and I said to bomb India!”

  23. Dear Texas,

    We are SO GLAD he’s your governor and not ours.


    New York
