Y’all, He Can’t Help It

October 03, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I think y’all should be nicer to Rick Perry.

I was just mortified to read that there might be an investigation of some of his activities in the Pay to Play or Crony Capitalism department.  Like any good capitalist, Perry used the Texas Enterprise Fund, which is  basically a slush fund for the Governor, to offer $20 million in grants to Countrywide and $15 million to Washington Mutual Inc.  In return, he got large campaign contributions from both of them.

We know what happened after that.

Perry didn’t appear to recognize that the industry his administration had subsidized was damaging the national economy.

The AP analysis found that Washington Mutual, Countrywide and their subsidiaries boosted risky lending in Texas within a year after receiving grants from the Texas Enterprise Fund.

Now, look, Rick Perry doesn’t know much and suspects even less.  The boy’s got a iffy fuse in his thinker box.  How do you expect him to understand an activity with words like “subprime,” or “lending volume,” or “mortgage-backed assets?”

He understands, “Hey, Bubba, I’ll give you $10 of the taxpayer money and you hand me $5 to put in my back pocket.”  Look, if the lunch check is for more than 3 people, Rick Perry is pretty much stumped.

Now there’s a whole mess of people out there trying to tell me that I am undermisestimating Rick Perry.  They say he’s a cagey fella and not as dumb as he acts.


He’s got some cagey boys working for him, but his intellectual limits are limitless.

He became a millionaire while holding public office because the real cagey boys just kept handing him money deals.  They taught him  to  field dress a lobbyist on his desk with only a pair of scissors and a Bic retractable ball point pen.

So, ease up on him.  We don’t want him limping until after the GOP primary.

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