Y’all, Are They Puttin’ Somethin’ In Our Mascara?

April 22, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Juanita is worried.

There appears to be a rash of truly goofy wimmen-folks taking to the political arena.

“Well, I guess the first women we elected had to be twice as bright as men and three times more willing to work hard.  Now that we’re breaking the glass ceiling, Bubettes are able to get elected,” she reckons.  “This is not a good thing.”

“And we’re fixin’ to elect one in Nevada.  This one has some creative ideas about how to fix health care in America:  give your doctor a chicken.  No, I am not kidding.  I wish I were.  That is an idea so male, so Bubbafull, that I think Sue Lowden estrogen level is being maintained by a health care professional who takes chickens as payment.”

Ms Lowden wants to repeal the Affordable Care Act, and last week, she suggested alternative ways for people to pay for medical care: save up to $20,000 in a medical savings account, or “barter with your doctor”. At first, people assumed she meant “haggle”. But TalkingPointsMemo’s Rachel Slajda says that in Ms Lowden’s appearance on a local news programme the day before yesterday, it appeared she really meant “barter”, as in offering goods or services in kind. Chickens, to be specific.

“This opens up a whole new field of the chicken-based economy.  Will Ms. Lowden allow us to pay her congressional salary with slightly used John McCain yardsigns?  Can we barter poster board and paint pens to Goldman Sachs to leave us the hell alone?  I have a nice supply of feather boas.  Can I trade them in for the police coming when I call them with an emergency?”

“And, if Ms. Lowden, Honey, if you need your hair done and, trust me on this, you do, I want payment in cash American money.  Don’t be coming in here with no damn chicken.  And I know you must have plenty of chickens because you sure have the chicken poop to prove it.”

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