Yakity Yak, Behind Your Back – UPDATED

July 29, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Mitt Romney has decided to ban the media from his fundraiser in Israel.

Damn media – they keep quoting him correctly and you know what that means … guffaw fodder.

On the other hand, reporters generally find out what is done behind closed doors because somedamfool always talks or leaves the backdoor open.

Romney has a history of delivering different messages to his donors when reporters are not present to hear them. At a closed-press fundraiser in Florida this spring, reporters from NBC News and the Wall Street Journal, without Romney’s knowledge, overheard the candidate outline new tax policy proposals and suggest that he might dramatically downsize the Department of Education and eliminate the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

So if he’s willing to kill HUD and kneecap the Department of Education to get money and votes in Florida, can you even imagine what he’s promising behind closed doors in Israel?

And on the flip-flop front  —

The campaign’s decision to close the fundraiser to the press violates the ground rules it negotiated with news organizations in April, when Romney wrapped up the Republican nomination and began opening some of his finance events to the news media.

Romney’s position on issues is like the weather in Texas.  If you don’t like it, wait five minutes … it’ll change.

Thanks to David for the heads up.

That was the flip.  Here’s the flop.

Mitt Romney’s campaign has reversed a decision to not allow the media into a fundraiser here Monday morning, bowing to reporters’ demand that they be allowed to record the Republican’s address to some of his top donors.

Hey, it’s only Sunday.  It might flip back before tomorrow morning.

Stay tuned.

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0 Comments to “Yakity Yak, Behind Your Back – UPDATED”

  1. Except for his tax returns, he’s oh so consistent there which tells he doesn’t pay them.

  2. Sam in Kyle says:

    Reportedly Romney has promised to back Israel when they attack Iran. An Israeli attack on Iran would have devastating consequences worldwide but would have the effect of getting the US involved in another conflict. It’s yet another example of how out of touch Romney is with reality.

  3. Kate oDubhagain says:


  4. Five minutes to change positions? Romney can hold three different positions on any issue all at the same time.

  5. He’s already changed his position on this. He will now let the press in. UNREAL. Brokered convention—anyone?

