Yackity Yack, Manafort Talks Back

September 14, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, I’m out of pocket but you guys feel free to to get me up to date when I get a break.


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0 Comments to “Yackity Yack, Manafort Talks Back”

  1. Johnroliphant says:

    The biggest part about pleading guilty is your confession of crimes and those whom you have collaborated. This will be yummy.

  2. So, that Robert Mueller guy seems pretty adept…

    Ex-Trumo Campaign Chair Paul Manafort cut a “cooperation agreement” with Prosecutors. With the forfeiture from Manafort of his property ($47 million), the Special Counsel’s office is now operating at a net profit.

    So Trump creates Trillion Dollar deficits and Muller turns a profit, seems about right.

  3. And in Kavanaugh News, an allegation of attempted rape:

    Noteworthy: Grassley immediately released a letter of support signed by 65 women who knew Kavanaugh in HS who said he was a gentleman. That doesn’t happen over night so they knew and hid it from the American public.

  4. I don’t know, I always carry a letter signed by every girl I went to high school with attesting to my allegiance to the rules of chivalry.

  5. A couple of questions on Manaford deal.
    1) Everything I have read has suggested that Manaford was underwater on his “properties” hence the need for loans and his auctioning off political info and influence.
    So in his “giving up” 4 properties, as reported, does that mean he passes on a clear title and he, plus his family, are still responsible for any debts or loans that he may have had on these estates? Otherwise the Mueller got played by giving manaford an out other then bankruptcy proceedings.

    2) After manaford is done testifying it will be time for states to go after him for bank fraud etc. and strip him and his family of every last ill gotten penny he has ever received.
    Also I hope this includes a ban on his family receiving any gov. assistance or benefits for any reason. It would also be time to prosecute his family for receiving stolen property. This would include money spent on tuition to any schools.
    If they can ban a poor grandmother of color ( San Francisco several years ago) and evict her from housing because a grandson dealt a little pakalolo they can do the same to his family. I also hope they are banned from any government employment even as sub contractor. Same thing for any professional licensing or certification for anything. Lifetime bans.
    Again if since they have done this to people who used a little marijuana it certainly seems only just that a family that knowing enjoys the benefits of his illegal actions should not be allowed to profit from those crimes.

    3) Now that the NY D’s have started to clean house with the defeat of 6 thuglicrats it is time that this be continued. Target other thuglicrats such as lipinski, manchin, case in Hawaii, cuellar etc. Time to get these termites gnawing away at the foundation of this country by their dishonesty and false representations of their positions.
    Force them to be honest as to where their loyalties truly lie, with the thuglican party, and the checks that come from it.

  6. Deb says:
    With the forfeiture from Manafort of his property ($47 million), the Special Counsel’s office is now operating at a net profit.

    Good point Deb. It’s just one of the ways Trump is personally responsible for the continuing (since Obama) economic boom.

  7. Susan on the Left Coast says:

    The “I, Paul Manafort” filed legal doc aka his confession offered up with $46 million in cash & assets instead of Trump’s pardon offered during “back channel communications” with Guilliani and Trump…aka witness tampering epic fail. https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/4883087/Manafort-DC-Superseding-Criminal-Information.pdf

    Newt Gingrich on FOX News: “Nobody should underestimate how much Paul Manafort did to really help get this [Trump] campaign to where it is right now.”

  8. Flippity flop flop, flippity flop flop.

  9. More good economic news, directly due to Donald J. Trump:

    Bob Woodward’s book ‘Fear’ sold more than 750,000 copies in its first day on the stands. (hardcover, no less!)

  10. That Other Jean says:

    My, my. This is not a good day to be a Trump. I hope Mr. Mueller allowed himself a grin and a high-five with somebody in his office.

  11. By cooperating, Manafort is now at risk from Russian assasins. He will have to be put in witness protection. A former FBI rep said that there are also Russian agents connected to him seeking cover as well.

  12. “By cooperating, Manafort is now at risk from Russian assasins. He will have to be put in witness protection.”

    Is that any greater risk then having to eat at a drumpf property with its filthy kitchens and repeated health violations?

  13. k, they may handle the confiscation of his properties like a foreclosure. Title will be cleared and the new owners (buying from the government) will have clean title. The ones granting loans on underwater properties may take a hit. If it was an American institution (and I doubt it), they can write it off. If it was Russians, oh, well.

  14. @k, If I were Manafort I’d drink the coffee not the tea…

  15. @Cheryl
    “Calk is the founder and CEO of Federal Savings Bank in Chicago’s Fulton Market neighborhood. His bank loaned Manafort $16 million during the 2016 campaign season when Manafort was chairman and Calk was on candidate Trump’s economic advisory panel.”

    and of course Calk is a buddy of Rahm’s as well as Manafort

  16. “Let me entertain you
    Let me make you smile
    Let me do a few tricks
    Some old and then some new tricks
    I’m very versatile.”

    Thank you, thank you, Robert Mueller.

  17. Sounds like the woman sent out more than one letter. Feinstein was forced to go public or others would, out of her control. It’s also clear the GOP already had a copy. You don’t get 65 people lined up to back your story that quick. From 40+ years ago.

  18. At TPM Josh Marshall raised an interesting point about Kavanogue.
    Brett, like all good bro’s, attended a all boys elite prep school.
    The 65 women who signed the letter “Almost all of us attended all girls high schools in the area.” This suggests they were students at private schools, since public schools generally do not have all girls school.
    Whether they were “elite” schools is unsaid.
    Question becomes was the woman who was “harassed/ assaulted” from the same social milluea or was she a “townie”?
    So was their a social class element at play where kavanague felt he had a form of Droit du seigneur because of “higher” social status. Hence to him he was doing nothing wrong just trying to assert his “right” as a member of the elite.
    It would be reflect thuglican attitudes (Roy Moore, demented donnie) and, considering his record, would be consistent with his rulings and behavior.

  19. heard at the Moscow Starbuck’s in Lubyanka square, “Order for Paul M, Frappuccino, extra polonium shot.”

  20. @ k:
    as to #3 in your comment at #5 —
    While we’re at it, let’s pass a law that people are free to desert their party but are NOT allowed, thereafter, to run for office under their new designaton.

    Case in point: Charlie Crist, a life-long Republican, got voted out of office. So, he promptly became a Democrat and ran again. And, this being Florida, no actual Democrat challenged him in his primary. So we were stuck voting for a dishonest Republican or an honest one — who just happened to be a Tea Partier. Now there’s a Hobson’s Choice for you.

    Is this how a democratic system is supposed to work?
    Um, no.

  21. Fleeting Expletive says:

    If Grassley’s minion sent out a tweet or FB calling out all women who’d vouch for Kavenaugh it probably wouldn’t be that hard to get them to sign on, even out of just Republican loyalty. I wonder how many are willing to testify to the Senate Judiciary committee? Follow up is normal here, right? Call them in. NOT, though that it would have any bearing on the truth of the allegation from one woman. He obviously, to me, didn’t date 65 women from area private girls’ schools as a studly young fellow. At least I don’t see it–the two halves of his face don’t mesh together, and that gives me pause.

    Brit Hume’s daughter signed the letter. He himself is Kav’s age. Did he date her too? It’s grotesque is what it is.

  22. Kate Dungan says:

    I take it Manafort finally realized there would be no pardon forthcoming. Accepting a pardon is an admission of guilt. In this case providing a pardon would be an admission of guilt from The Gilded Turnip, and we all know he never admits or apologizes for anything.

  23. @two crows
    If I remeber correctly in the Gov. race where he ran as a d after being turfed out of the thuglican it was even worse then you stated.
    First in 2010 he torpedoed Alex Sink the D nominee when he ran as an independent and helped put scott in office withe the help of the florida D’s big mucky mucks who were afraid of woman in affice.
    Again, relying on memory, then in 2014 the same losers in charge of the D’s shoved a D aside, who had been walking the state to build grass roots support to anoint thuglicrat crist in pursuit of another defeat.
    I question whether a “law” is needed perhaps party rules that prohibit supporting a turncoat until they have spent a certain amount of time ( 4 to 6 years?) in the party and have worked for the party and its candinates.
    Any personal endorsement of a turncoat by a d official results in the cessation of any party support, – money, mailing lists, logistics etc, – for at least 1 additional election cycle then the one they were involved in.
    Some provision must be made in cases of where a “david duke” situation may occur.
    Another party rule could be if a D candinate continualy stabs the party in the back all support can be cut off.
    The members of the so called IDC in NY ( which have been cut down to size this primary), lipinski of Ill, or owens in Wa who voted for thuglican control of the senate while “claiming” to be a d or cuellar who has supported demented donnie in 68% of his votes would be a prime example of the need for some action.
    At the very least a party rule that would prohibit these people from any position of authority or ability to vote for party leaders or sit on any committee except, perhaps, stationary and postage.
    It is time that we stop allowing the apperatceck, who are only interested in their own power and bank accounts, to subvert the stated agenda of the party.

  24. The Surly Professor says:

    … and this answers my previous question about a Donnie Indulgence also freeing the recipient from paying fines and restitution:

    “The forfeiture in this plea is both criminal and civil, meaning DOJ will be able to get Manafort’s $46 million even with a pardon.”

    source: https://www.emptywheel.net/2018/09/14/the-manafort-plea-is-pardon-proof

    I’m a happy camper about that; it means that we might just get to see Manafort shopping for pairs of white polyester socks at the local Dollar Tree. Once he’s served his “up to 10 years” sentence, that is.

    The link Susan from the Left Coast provided is 76 pages long, and loaded with specifics. This would be my Saturday afternoon schadenfreude reading, but instead his entire slime-coated career is infuriating. Plus realizing that he’d STILL be slurping up money from his crimes if he had not become Trump’s campaign manager. Put the same amount of light on almost any of the national Republican bag men, and the rain of indictments could wash most of them away. Ditto for New York real estate speculators, Trump’s sons Qusay and Uday, and his reptilian son-in-law.

  25. Friday night’s Rachel Maddow segment on Manafort should not be missed. MSNBC online has it today. I think it will be available through Monday.

  26. I had a dear friend who passed away on the 4th of July who long predicted exactly what Manafort would do when the cheese hit the fan. I just know that she is giggling in Heaven.

  27. WaPo has some good articles on just how badly Manafort sold out nation after nation and person after person in his relentless pursuit of $$$$$. He left havoc and, in some cases, riots and death, in his wake. Absolutely trumpian of him.

    He needs to spend the rest of his sick, sordid and slimy life in prison and every cent he has needs to go into the US Treasury. Maybe a Democratic House can create some type of Clean Government or Elections fund with that as seed $. Or put it in the Pell Grants account.

  28. Saw an interesting quesiton on the Twitter machine: Has anyone asked any of the 65 women WHEN they were asked to sign?

  29. 2 Off subject news
    1) After district Federal court panel refused a stay to protect the names of roves dark money suppliers roberts stepped in within 12 hours and issued a stay based upon same arguements the district court had just overruled.

    2) demented donnie is going to shut down gov. over funding for wall in an attempt to change the subject. My interpertation of his lastest tweet. Was thinking this ever since manafort rolled on him. Just sent tweet ( one of the few since manafort) talking about the r’s being played on this subject.
    Must distract community. Government shutdown, like tariffs, are easy win and plays to his base.
