Write This Down Somewhere: Gregg Abbott is a Punk

May 27, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You people from foreign states need to know that there someone who creeps me out worse that Rick Perry and Ted Cruz combined.  Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott.  I have never seen him barefoot but it would not surprise me if he had cloven hooves.

He makes Dick Cheeny and rattlesnakes look cuddly.

To soften his imagine, his stylists put him on Facebook.

Here’s what he did:

It is Memorial Day.  We are honoring our war dead.  And by “we” I mean everybody but Greg Abbott, who cannot give it one day of damn rest from attacking Barack Obama.

Vote on the scandals?  Are you freekin’ kidding me?  Like this is for high school prom king?

Write it down and don’t forget it.  Do not let this man be Governor.  If Rick Perry is the frying pan, Greg Abbott is the fire.

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0 Comments to “Write This Down Somewhere: Gregg Abbott is a Punk”

  1. Remember the Fallen….

  2. OK, thinking about what this bastard does on Memorial Day is seriously interrupting my efforts at thinking about PEACE. Makes peaceful me want to mess him up bad…

  3. @Carl: Copy that.

  4. I am so sorry you live where you do and have to deal with the absurdity that is rampant in TX. These people have no conscience so how can they give a rest to what they could care less about? Do they even pay lip service to the service people who have died defending this country? Obviously not! So those of us with a heart, a soul and a conscience must do so 200% and try to ignore their idiotic deeds on a day that should be held high in remembrance and honor to our fallen warriors!!

  5. The most shocking scandal is that Obama hasn’t yet sent drones or tornadoes to silence dipwads like Abbot.

  6. Oh gosh .. so much material so little time …
    Facebook is a powerful tool for politicians to connect directly with their voters and their constituents. Choice of content being the difference. One presumes this content is aimed at the voter and the constituent with whom Mr Abbott or his handlers wish to connect. If this idiot fringe is where Mr Abbott desires votes, maybe the 99% of voters not in the idiot fringe could yield sufficient votes to elect a moderate candidate, one not beholding to the idiot fringe.

    OTOH, I cant see or understand the attraction of voters to Mr Abbott. I have met him once in Austin, quite by accident, and found him cold and distant. The temperature in his AG office is well below 98.6 degrees. Based on my one visit to the AG’s office in Austin I sensed a number of attorneys who would be happier practicing elsewhere. Not the kind of leadership that inspires the troops to walk through a wall for him.

    Of course I could be wrong but I don’t get happy vibes from around the man.

  7. Another Ellen in Texas says:

    Is there anyone we can run against this moron for governor? Texans need to be able to hold their heads up again!

  8. If Gregg Abbott can’t even stop his partisan attacks for the Memorial Day weekend, Bob Dole got it right, the Republican Party needs to be closed for repairs. Until New Years Day:

  9. I don’t even want to think about this disgusting little cretin today. It’s just too bad that tree wasn’t bigger.

  10. And now that Perry is refusing the medicaid expansion, has he told anyone how he will get health care to the 25% of Texans without health insurance.
    I suppose it is a silly question to expect them to actually govern!

  11. John Paffel says:

    Greg Abbot is a dweeb. Who we got that can beat him? That’s what scares me. All this pow-wowing on the internets lambasting one or the other. that does not win elections. Where’s the beef? Who we got? Time to get busy to head off the diablos next election.

  12. 25% of Texans w/o health insurance? In Perry’s World, they don’t even amount to chump change! There’s gotta be a black hole in space somewhere big enough to take him AND all his hair!

  13. At a 2012 rally in Tarrant County, Greg Abbott explained what he does as Attorney General. “My job’s pretty simple,” he said. “I go into the office, I sue the federal government, and then I go home.”

    Your tax dollars at waste

    Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott has over 700 lawyers on his staff, many of them making over $100,000 per year. Apparently, however, none are qualified to argue redistricting cases before a federal court in Washington, D.C.


  14. I’m thinking, if Rick Perry is the frying pan, Greg Abbott is the toilet.

  15. @ Frank “At a 2012 rally in Tarrant County, Greg Abbott explained what he does as Attorney General. “My job’s pretty simple,” he said. “I go into the office, I sue the federal government, and then I go home.”

    I guess he forgot about the part where the federal government defends itself in court, and he loses.
