Worse Bond Villain Ever

February 24, 2023 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, if you’re freezing your patootie off or sweating like me, here’s some weekend entertainment while you wait the weather out.

Alex Jones had a court date on Friday.

I’ll take Things That Never Happened for $1,000, Alex.


0 Comments to “Worse Bond Villain Ever”

  1. No self-respecting cat – and they are ALL VERY self-respecting! – would ever hang out with Alex Jones!

  2. He’s never heard of this kind of harassment? What does he call what he did to those families for years? Friendly persuasion?

    And, who is their right mind would pay $2K for a cat?

  3. The cat would certainly be better off under DOJ foster cat care rather than subjected to Alex Jones. Just to be certain Jones can’t get his hands back on the poor cat, put it into a Feline Witness Protection Program.

  4. Jane & PKM says:

    BarbDC @2 On average we pay ~$150 for adopted cats which includes their spaying/neutering and shots. ~$200 for the adopted ranchies also spayed/neutered with shots. Too many animals in shelters to pay breeders who contribute to shelter overcrowding. We have the most beautiful assortment of barn cats and working dogs who retire into our home as their severance pay since they’re all such loving beings. Most of them already have their special “hooman” in the bunkhouses.

    Malarkey @1 Alex Jones if properly trained might be an almost adequate scratching post was the consensus of our cats. But nevuh a chew toy say all the dogs – yuck.

  5. Have to say that Ragdolls are a very desirable breed, and if pedigreed they’re expensive. They’re big and furry like Maine Coon and Norwegian Forest cats.
    Their best attributes are their personalities, very laid back, go limp when picked up, hence “Ragdoll” [I’ve had a couple of cats like that, might have had a few Ragdoll genes].
    One of the best types for children.
    And all around good behavior, since they ‘get along’ with almost anything. Which accounts for one of these poor critters tolerating a sonuvabitch like Jones. One could hope that it would one day rip him open just for grins though.


    “Ragdolls are consistently one of the most popular cat breeds registered by the CFA.”
    “The average cost for Ragdoll kittens that are only meant to be pets could range from $1,600 to $2,500. Show-quality kittens tend to be $2,000–$3,500 or more.”

    As far as Jones pitiful whining, if he recently bought the cat, and a few other baubles, it certainly would look suspicious.
    The DoJ and/or IRS just see an “asset” tag on anything of value when they’re going after a scoundrel like AJ.

  6. Steve from Beaverton says:

    That poor cat. He should be on the ASPCA watch list.
    Is it just me or does Jones always look like he’s holding his breath or trying hard to do a big you know what?
    JJ, we had record cold and snow this week and more to come.

  7. There are many breeds of cat that go for a lot of money.
    A friend found an adorable, abandoned Egyptian cat, and found that they typically go for 2-3 thousand dollars — 20 years ago.
    I have a hard time imagining Alex Jones being a responsible pet owner. He’d be the guy abusing and abandoning a $5k cat because it clawed his rattiest bathrobe.

  8. it’s the Checkers speech all over again. From a douchebag piece of dog shit who wants to establish a connection with Richard fucking Nixon

  9. MTG’s furrie . Had a box under her seat .

  10. Here kitty, kitty! Nice kitty! What a sweet purr-box you are!
