Words Without Meaning or End

August 31, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Donald Trump claims he came to Texas and saw the “horror & devastation” firsthand.


Of course, he did not.

Not even close.

So, Sarah Huckabee Sanders explains how it is that Trump saw devastation firsthand.

He met with a number of state and local officials who are eating, sleeping, breathing the Harvey disaster. He talked extensively with the governor, who certainly is right in the midst of every bit of this, as well as the mayors from several of the local towns that were hit hardest. And detailed briefing information throughout the day yesterday talking to a lot of the people on the ground. That certainly is a firsthand account.

Okay, would somebody please tell me the definition of secondhand account because it got lost some damn place.

Objection.  Hearsay, your Honor.

The only thing Trump witnessed in Texas was our Governor and … wait, wait, I got it.  Firsthand horror and devastation.


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