Woo! Woo!

September 21, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I predicted it this morning over breakfast and, sure ’nuff, Walker is out.

And he was supposed to be Mr. Viable.

So, we can sit back and wait while Donald Trump knocks them off one at a time.

This is such fun.  Who is next?  Madam Swami Juanita says it will be …

Bobby Jindal.


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0 Comments to “Woo! Woo!”

  1. An end to that bad dream! Will not miss him no how!

  2. The question now is : to whom do the Koch brothers bestow their millions (and puppet strings)?

  3. Ah, Madam Swami Juanita Jean; from your gazing glass to the Universal Life Force!!

    I love to watch rich folks waste their money.

  4. Well, well, well. So it turns out that the Koch’s golden boy was made of fool’s gold. No, the patrons at WMDBS are not even surprised.

  5. Looks like Daddy Koch can’t buy you the Presidency OR an Oompa Loompa, Veruca!

    Completely self-inflicted: he put himself in a chokehold and now is tapping out.

    @Pogo: check the column further down on Donald’s campaign team. You’ll see that the Kochs are up to their scaly elbows in the Trump campaign. Puppet strings not included, with that one, though.

  6. Do you know something about Jim Gilmore that I don’t know? If not then why Bobby before Jim?

    Of course being the least recognized Repub candidate might have some advantages, and Jim certainly wins that prize.

  7. e platypus onion says:

    Awwwwwww Shucky darn!

  8. Marcia in CO says:

    Maybe Bobby and Jimmy will leap off the Klown Bus together … holding hands, holding their noses, blubbering all the way!!

    So sad, so glad to not see the lazy-eyed vermin so much … he’ll be hanging around like Klondike Barbie is hanging around! Some parasites you just can’t scrape off!!

  9. DaChipster and Pogo, dead on, as usual!

    Can anyone recommend a good brain sponge? I keep hearing, ” Another one bites the dust….”

  10. What a revoltin’ development!

    I wanted Snotty boy to stay and spend that Koch money by the double fistfuls. Courvoisier VS for everyone!! Runna tab. Our ole buddy Charlie K’ll pick it up.

  11. publius balonius says:

    A black hole of leadership. Even Republicanites sense the void.

  12. e platypus onion says:

    Must hurt something awful forlily-white,bigotted misogynists to discover they trail a Black man and a woman,of all things,in popularity polls.

  13. Larry Cross says:

    nah – Piyush is just to dumb to realize just how much he is failing. I predict Graham.

  14. Ah, Scotty, we hardly knew ye!

  15. I hear he’s not quite so popular in WI anymore. The press is finally coming out of his pocket.
    I’m glad to see him gone. He scares me.
    He has dead eyes.

  16. JAKvirginia says:

    Just FYI. In Palm Beach FL, there a bunch of VERY rich older widows who need male escorts to their various social events. The perfect escort is reasonably good-looking, looks good in and owns a tux, is an expert at pleasant, friendly chit-chat, and understands that his primary function is to be charming to his host and her friends. In other words, to make her look good. They call these gentleman… (wait for it)… walkers.

  17. Now he can go back to destroying Wisconsin.

    I think JJ may be right on Jindal – but Lindsey won’t be far behind.

  18. Ever since he said that abortion should be illegal even to save a woman’s life — claimed abortion was never necessary to save a woman’s life, but hasn’t shown us his medical degree yet — I have been waiting for this glassbowl to get kicked under the clown bus. About damn time.

  19. Great, I’m getting ice cream.

  20. And along came Jones, slow walkin’ jones … and then; and then; and then! Gilmore, Jindal, Fiorina, Huckabee, Lindsey, Carson, Rubio, Bush.

    You read it right here folks … the ticket will be trump & stumped.

  21. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Total schadenfreude will be the first two out of the race, pRick and Snotty Wanker, being the first two into prison cells. Dear goddesses please, please, please make the Outlaw Jersey Whale the third.

    My bet is that Charles and David set on Water Boy Rubio as their next puppet. Hope there’s room with their two hands for an irrigation hose to keep that dufus afloat. Marco is a giant a$$, so there’s probably a sufficient opening.

    No doubt Daffy Cruz, Jr. will angle for some Koch cash, but unless someone takes out a hit on Crazy Cruz, Sr. there’s not much chance Charles and David are ready to back another loser.

  22. e platypus onion says:

    Walker wanted full disclosure of campaign contributions and spending for unions while he successfully got korporations to coordinate with his campaign and does not have to disclose donors. Double standard much?

  23. There are a thousands of teacher, firemen and police unions which are dancing and drinking fake champagne. (They can’t afford the real thing thanks to Snotty Scotty.)

  24. Oh yes, this makes me very happy. From my convenient next door perch I will be keeping an eye out for more about this.

    Hahahahahahahaha!!! So long, sleeze ball!

  25. Ah, the sweetness of Mr. Walker blasting Donald Trump as he parachutes out of the bus. Yeah, all you “sane” ones can all jump off the bus, and still the Three Stooges of Trump, Carson and Fiorina will just have more room in the front seat.

  26. Some comments at the lefty Guardian newspaper:

    — Let me be the first to say hahahaha

    — I’ll see your “hahahaha” and raise it with a “Mwwaahahahaha!”

    — rhyming with “Bwwaahahahaha!”

    — Hope the Koch Brothers kept the receipt!


  27. e platypus onion says:

    Debbo-one of the 4 whoresmen of the Walker-pocalypse in Wisconsin’s Soopreme BAPF Court died in his chambers today. He announced his retirement last week. Walker gets to appoint another,even more politically expedient right wing nut job to the court’s majority.

  28. Happy to report that while passing through Madison last weekend we spotted a yuuuuuge billboard touting Scott Walker as “wrong for Wisconsin, wrong for the nation.” Made my day!

  29. I hope you are right….Jindal is mean as a rattle snake.

  30. No surprise that the dead-eyed Walker is out. I simply knew from the very beginning that a man who looks like him could never be the one. Never.

    …I think Bobby Jindal is just waiting until October so this awesome Onion story won’t read like they had access to a time machine! ( It mentions him being free in September, since his campaign would obviously be over by then. )


  31. Hey, I want to give props to Scotty.

    Today he did something his father failed to do 48 years ago … pull out early!

    (I know he’s only 47, but I’m tacking on nine months for gestation.)

  32. e platypus onion says:

    I’ll go out on a limb and say the next quitter will be a white male.

  33. Prup (aka Jim Benton) says:

    Not Jindal, his ego will keep him around long enough — always hoping he can be this year’s Santorum. (Nobody loves him but himself, but that is one of the great love affairs of the century. Oh, and, technically Piyush Jindal doesn’t classify as a ‘white’ male — despite the Michael Jackson squared whitewashing of his official portrait, he is actually a dark-skinned Dravidian Indian. Not that it natters, just pedantry and pointing out his ability to delude himself.)

    I don’t know why Graham is running — seriously, maybe he was actually hoping to be outed — but he’ll stay around, Think Christie or Santorum may be the next to leave — I am not sure that Gilmore was ever here to leave.

    The big one is when JEB! gives it up. Any guesses?

  34. So far this Repub campaign season is closely following the pattern of the last one, only in slow motion. Last time we saw one cuckoo-bird after another take top place for a time, only to fade away. Then they ended up with Mainstream Mitt.

    With Jeb@#$%&!’s money he may well be able to outlast all the clowns and become Mitt 2.0 (or at least Bush 3.0)).

  35. Umpty Dump, you made me spill my coffee. That “pulling out” joke made my day.

  36. Jindal and Walker will need jobs soon. They are just getting their Fox cred on so that someone over there will hire them.

  37. this is the koch boy! koch will insist whomever finally becomes the gop nominee for prez that walker be on the ticket as the VICE PREZ CANDITATE!!!!!!!!! KEEP THIS PREDICTION IN MIND!!!!

  38. shortpeople says:

    Part of the problem for the “serious(ly deranged but able to hide it)” candidates is the fact that Kookla, Fran, and Ollie (Trump, Fiorina, and Carson – and, yes, I know it’s really Kukla) suck all of the air (attention) out of the room. This lack of attention leads to nervous diarrhea in the big money backers and lack of name recognition among the possible voters who need bright, shiny, noisy toys to get them motivated into turning off O’Rielly and Beck and actually go to the polls. And now I hear it bandied about that Rubio will save them all. Reruns of his SOTU speech rebuttal; the campaign add writes itself.

  39. Ah Madam Swami Juanita Jean…
    One by one the whole list of GOP candidates will fall by the wayside leaving the most unelectable one of all…

    Good riddance to Rick Perry… Snotty Walker… Piyush Jindal… Lindsey Graham… Ben Carson… Ted “Calgary” Cruz… and the rest of the Idiots…

    We’ll get em narrowed down to the most Pompous Unelectable Azz of All… “The Donald” and we’ll be better off with another 8 years of Democratic Rule…

    Now if we can just clean out Congress and the SCOTUS the world will be a better place with the Teabagged Stench expelled….
