Wonder Where the $107 Million Dollar Inaugural Donations Went?

February 15, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Remember how all the “left over” inaugural money – more than twice what President Obama spent in 2009 – was going to charity?

Well, not so much.

Of the money, almost half of it was split between two firms, one of which was a firm started by an advisor to Melania Trump, that received $26 million.

One of the companies, WIS Media Partners of Marina del Rey, California, was created by a longtime friend of Mrs. Trump, Stephanie Winston Wolkoff, according to a person familiar with the firm. Records show that the firm was created in December 2016, but otherwise there is very little information available about it.

Hey, little buddy, $26 million ain’t bad for less than two months.

Other fun stuff – the concert on the National Mall featuring performances by the country music star Toby Keith and the rock band Three Doors Down cost $25 million.

Security costs “are upward towards $100 million” but luckily for Trump, taxpayers will pay for that.  Maybe next time we can be the charity.


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0 Comments to “Wonder Where the $107 Million Dollar Inaugural Donations Went?”

  1. Charity begins at home.
    With Trump, charity also takes a staycation.

  2. $26 millions is enough to buy a small radio station. Just saying’ . . .

  3. slipstream says:

    Yep, that’s draining the swamp, alrighty.

  4. Since Trump seems to regard that kind of money as pocket change, he can pay the $10-30 million his Little Green Army Men parade is estimated to cost.


  5. After all the phony payments, the bulk will probably end up in the pockets of Putin and Wayne LaPierre.
