Women, Trump. They Are Women.

April 30, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so the Baylor Lady Bears Basketball Team just won the National Championship.  They were forced to go to the White House.



You can see how thrilled they were.

Trump, true to the classy Trump Whitehouse, fed them a “buffet of fast food.”  Even Fox News was not impressed.

But, the question I have is, “Why is indicted felon Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton in the picture?  (Second from the left, back row)  Don’t they know he steals stuff?  I bet they had to grab him by his heels and shake him over the side of the Truman balcony on his way out to retrieve all the stuff he stole.  In fact, Thelma says that’s why they served fast food – they didn’t want Ken stealing all the silverware.

For more hysterical pictures, visit here to check the comments.

Thanks to Mark in Austin for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Women, Trump. They Are Women.”

  1. Somebody on Twitter pointed out where every one of them has placed their hands.

  2. So his excuse for serving fast food to the university football team was that the government was shut down. What was his excuse this time?

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    Unlike IQ4.5, will steer clear of both white and mansplainin’. Teena Marquee said it all:

    Teena Marquee
    15 hours ago
    Evidently u don’t know black women. Those are I’m just gone smile so I won’t choke this muthaphukka looks!! Periodt!!

    I’ll just sit back and enjoy the discomfort a misogynist racist like Donnie should have been feeling with that many extraordinary athletic intelligent women standing behind him. … hoping the Secret Service was that fast or would even care…

  4. “It may not be the right size,” longtime coach Kim Mulkey joked. “[First lady] Melania may look better in it.”

    Translation: They didn’t have anything in a larger size, that would cover an elephant.

  5. What the bleep did these poor girls do to be “forced” to visit with the Golden Gibbon? the United Nations oughta get in on this one!

  6. Buttermilk Sky says:

    The woman in the pink top is staring up at something. Please tell me he doesn’t have a picture of the “great” General Lee in the Oval.

  7. The young lady in yellow is my new hero, her reactions are priceless! Jane & PKM, “Uh huh!”

  8. WTH! Can’t this “young, virile, physically fit, etc” creep get off that fat ass to great visitors? Why does he sit like a paraplegic in that chair at that desk – really almost UNDER it? What a jerk. Really shows respect. Bet when he goes to prison he won’t have a chance to be so sedentary. Bet he then loses about 70 pounds.

  9. Sam in St Paul says:

    They’re just there to keep their scholarships. The U of VA men’s championship team was “too busy” to attend.
