“With Stilted, Smug Delivery…”

February 01, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Alternative Facts, Trump

For those (like me) who couldn’t stomach watching Cheeto Jesus stumble through an hour and a half of Trumpisms, here’s the Best Review in the History of the Western World of Presidential Speeches.  It starts with the above line and just gets better.  Highly recommended.  Enjoy, if you can.

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0 Comments to ““With Stilted, Smug Delivery…””

  1. “With stilted, smug delivery…”

    Yes, good line. They should sell a line of SOTU Coffee Smugs:
    #1 Best, Biggest, Greatest President
    The State of the Uniom 2018 IS STRONG!

  2. That pretty much pegged it. The more-in-sorrow-than-in-anger disappointment, the love-me-or-I’ll-have-to-punish-you old testament God, the smug, self-congratulating condescension of an ignorant, incompetent fool who holds his position through no effort of his own, but believes himself a self-made man.

  3. I miss Obama something fierce! As for the Hill Creatures, I am at a point were I actually miss Trent Lott!

  4. slipstream says:

    Jimmy Kimmel did a highly informative montage of Donald Trump bragging that he never uses a teleprompter. Starts about 7:40:


  5. maggie: I almost miss Dubya. Definitely miss Obama and Clinton.

  6. I miss Every Damn President Of My Entire Lifetime!!!!!

  7. Opinionated Hussy says:

    I don’t miss Reagan, who started this whole ‘front man for the fascists’ trend…and could read a teleprompter despite his mid-stage dementia.

    I think the only thing keeping me sane is my current focus on Winter weather and the thought that my spousal unit has promised to plow the garden space this year with the tractor (the tiller died).

  8. Lunargent says:

    Speaking of speeches, I haven’t heard a peep about Joe Kennedy III’s rebuttal. Lots of trolling for the shiny Chapstick overdose, of course. And trashing him as a rich kid legacy corporatist politician. Both of which I consider unfair. And he handled Stephanopolous’s inevitable Chapstick question with self-deprecated humor and charm, showing infinitely more maturity and poise than Bratty Donny.

    I thought it was brilliant to put him in front of a live audience, in Fall River, Mass. He definitely connected with the people, instead of just droning counter points into a camera, as most SOTU rebuttals do.

    And the speech itself was not accusatory, but aspirational. Maybe overly so, but with grit in it, too. The theme: We Choose Both, a refutation of the false dichotomy and divisions being foisted on our citizens.

    I actually went on Google, seeking the speechwriter’s identity. The language wasn’t complex, but rich with alliteration, in concise, cadenced phrases. It was a real speech, thoughtfully structured and beautifully crafted. I’m starting to wonder if Aaron Sorkin was involved.

    The bots and trolls were all over it on Twitter, of course. But if you didn’t already watch it, pull up the clip, or a transcription. THIS is how Dems need to communicate, instead of endless Trump trashing. It speaks to our ideals, and is a pleasure to hear.

  9. Marge Wood says:

    I like Joe Kennedy III. People that say “no dynasties” are, I think, being unfair to any of the Kennedy clan. I mean, they deserve a chance to do what they are so good at. There’s plenty of elective offices available. Let’s fill ’em up.
