With A Big Bow On Top

December 21, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You know those teevee commercials where somebody gets a fancy-pants car for Christmas and there’s a ridiculously large bow on top?

Yeah, I got one this year. Except better. No car, but a grand scale olympic size breathtakingly delightful girl fight.

Just in time for a major freeze in my town where we will be all be locked inside for a few days because none of us own a coat, I got an early present that I am already playing with. Think Wordle with diamonds, chocolate, and working electric grid all at once.

I swear to you that Majorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert are gonna smack each other before this is over.


Ya throw two thunder-nazis in the ring of public attention and by gawd, there’s gonna all manner of tough totally chucklesome stuff.

And, to make it even more fun, they are fighting over Kevin McCarthy.  Honey, you gotta be scraping the bottom of the closing time barrel at the local honky tonk to be fighting over Kevin McCarthy.  There’s probably three women in all of America who would even have that man, much less fight over him, and as luck would have it, two of them are serving in Congress. One of them believes in Jewish space lasers and the other one believes in Donald Trump.

Thank you, Santa, for bringing me a grin.


0 Comments to “With A Big Bow On Top”

  1. I just hope these two dimwits don’t heckle Zelenskyy when he addresses Congress. Ugh.

  2. I hope the thought of those two having a hair-pulling fight keeps you warm during the next couple of days. I believe that’s all either of them is good for.

  3. The continuing battle to see how low the common denominator voters can go.

  4. Steve from Beaverton says:

    TexasTrailerParkTrash- you beat me to it. I was going to say this is a real battle of wits- dimwits. Would love to see them in a WWE style rastling match with each other jumping on their best parts. I’d pay at least $99 to watch that!

  5. Cat fight Congress aisle Qcumber Nazi Party. Ms. JJ may your New Year 2023 be filled with delight as Qevin McQarthy ‘thinks’ he can herd those cats. roflmao Speaker Pelosi may become Qevin’s new best friend as he beseeches her for her experience and advice. Classic comedy gold. Hope Speaker Pelosi begins by explaining to Qevin how a real lady dresses and chooses her shoes. Would it be too much to ask that she plants one of her shoes where Qevin most needs it?

  6. Steve from Beaverton @ 4,

    Make it a roller derby match for these two drama “queens”, and I’d pay double.

  7. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Papa- yes, great idea. Count me in, too! Maybe make some wagers. Maybe a tag team. Need to think who else would be fun to watch cuz the repugnanticans are infighting and eating each other right now.

  8. While we are wishing.
    I wish for a shooting match where they shoot each other in the mouth.

  9. Whenever I hear their names together, this image pops into my head.


    Must be alpha training.

  10. slipstream says:

    Oh, is it cold in Texas?

    It’s five below zero at my house in Alaska. The sun won’t struggle over the ridge until January 7.

    Next you’re gonna tell me how big Texas is.

  11. Whatever happened to real dumb people are the silent type?
    I guess the modern GOP messed that up for the ages.

  12. Grandma Ada says:

    Make your children look away – it’s going to be awful

  13. The Surly Professor says:

    Now, now, slipstream. As I remember people in Texas reassuring themselves when Alaska was made a state, “If they melted all the snow and ice off, it’d be a puny thing like Rhode Island”. Unfortunately it looks like we’re going to find out real soon, thanks to global warming.

    Mark @9: that photo is one that will probably be remembered 150 years from now, like Tom Nast’s cartoons about Boss Tweed. For me it’s also the first one that comes to mind when either of those primates is mentioned.

  14. Slipstream, that was mean. LOL.

  15. john in denver says:

    slipstream @10

    Alaska is well prepared for cold. Texas …

    well, I still remember the drive down from South Dakota to U of North Texas when there was a “major” storm and about 1″ of snow so far. My favorite image — driving up a hill from the bridge over a river, dodging other cars that had no traction, and seeing the “sand truck” — a dump truck with two guys in the back, throwing shovelfuls of sand. Got to our hotel … and found NUMEROUS restaurants had closed because of the weather.

    I don’t think things will have changed a great deal.

    Looking forward to hearing from y’all if ERCOT is able to squeeze electrons enough to power your internet connections.

  16. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Got transferred to Anchorage starting 1/2/12 and spent 2 winters (it wasn’t for punishment). That was a bit of a shock but agree AK is prepared. The piles of snow, make that mountains, from nightly snow removal were so big they lasted almost through the summer.
    Around N Oregon, we’re expecting up to an inch- of ice the next 2 days. That’s the worst thing, especially when many people here can’t even handle an inch of snow.

  17. Can’t wait for whoever is the R Speaker to just quit as soon as possible when the realization kicks in that these two fishwives are going to screw up everything the R caucus even tries to do, including all those investigations they have promised! All it takes to suck the air out of anything are one or two like these gals!
